@Nice_Dreams........Your experience and situation sounds similar to how I perceive my long lost JW daughter may possibly be feeling round about now. From the small amounts of information I have been able to find out, she was married at eighteen, had her first child around nineteen or twenty and she turned twenty-four earlier this year. We have not seen or spoken to each other since she was seven.
But back to your question. I think you have been given some really sound advice here. I wish to address the sexual attraction you mentioned. It's only human, to long for all of the things we find pleasureable in life which have been denied to us. The longer we are denied our lost pleasures the more we desire them. If you enjoyed sex and have endured long dry spells with a husband who has no interest in worshipping your body because of WBTS doctrine; that is the catylist for your sexual attraction to your co-worker. These feelings manifested them selves because you were being treated with respect and dignity in a manner that your husband should have been done. You were regaining your sense of self worth and feeling wanted as a worthwhile person again.
A way was beginning to appear to allow you to once again enjoy something which you enjoyed and had been denied you by the person, if he truly had love in his heart; to provide. It isn't right or wrong; it's just being Human. Even if you did do the horizontal bop. Your in counselling and I take it, still with your husband.
I hope you are able to work out your situation and go on to live a happy and fulfilled life without too much heartache.
If your initials before you were married were BRS and your mother's were AMS before and after marriage and you are in OZ or NZ........maybe you need to send me a PM
My tag phoneticaly is my initials