Thank you for all the wonderful advice everyone. I'm not in OZ, or NZ, but that is interesting I sound similar to someone you know WOZ.
I guess another thing I question about our relationship, and have for the past 8 years, is that I don't feel we have an emotional connection. So that is something I need to figure out. He is a great guy and father, but I don't know anything about his feelings. But perhaps guys are just really closed off? He was more open when we were dating, and then seemed to have shut down as a person after that.
We've been trying to work on things now, and perhaps I'm just bitter because I wanted to work on things 6 years ago and wonder why he wants to fix things now that I'm apathetic. An honest discussion is definitely due, I just worry about his reaction, so perhaps it would be better to tell him at the counselors.
And thank you for the advice about attraction as well. I didn't sleep with that coworker, but I had never felt like that before and was confused.