I'm not saying this is applicable in your situation, but many men are like dogs and can be trained. After the "new" wore off your relationship, if you generally ended up having sex only when you initiated it, and gave excuses, got mad or otherwise turned him down when he initiated it, eventually he'll stop and won't try at all, just like a dog or child learns not to do things they get spanked for.
Soul Searching, need advice re: Physical Attraction
by Nice_Dream 24 Replies latest social relationships
I think I would be feeling very sad and cheated if I had felt sexual attraction for a co worker -the kind I had never had for my mate. It really does say something. This has happened to other jws , esp those who got married very young or those who married before they experienced feeling passion.
If you talk with your mate you may be surprised to find out he may have had similar experiences. I'd make an appt. with a marriage counselor and just go in by myself and talk to them about this.
Marry for lust and love- everything else is a waste of time. You only get one life and the clock is ticking .
I heard an interesting story about an affair where the woman left her husband and children for another man, a family friend, whom she "fell in love with." Apparently the sex was great and the relationship burned hot and fast, but after the lust wore off they couldn't get along and they split. Funny thing is that the husband liked the guy and their friendship survived after it was all said and done. Now the woman is by herself. In hindsight she admitted that she was incredibly self-centered in all her rationalizations and regretted the whole thing. Keep that in mind before you decide to blow the whole thing up for "sexual attraction".
I definitely wouldn't leave my husband for lust. My coworker really wasn't someone I would want a future with. I think JWs are disadvantaged that they can't experiment sexually with different people before they get married, sow their wild oats or whatever. But it is nice to be married to your best friend.
Razziel - good advice. We did fall into that pattern while we were JWs. Things are slowly getting better.
dont be afraid to initiate sex. make sure the kids the cat the pain in the butt sister who is always dropping in are all well out of the picture and go for it.!
Go Tiger Go!