Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Memorial of Christ’s Death

by Greybeard 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Greybeard

    Have you ever been invited to someone’s home for dinner, but not eaten any of the food? Only sat there and watched them eat? What purpose would that serve? That is exactly what the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses do. They invite millions of people around the world to come to the Lords Evening Meal…and watch themeat. They make sure all pass the bread and wine, yet encourage the majoritynot to partake.

    Read the rest of the article here:

  • Greybeard

    Bumpidy Bumparoo

  • BroMac

    thanks Greybeard i enjoyed that

    john 6:53-58 has been causing me alot of problems. it pains me. when i read it i cant ignore jesus words. but i have no feeling or longing for a heavenly life and immortality.

    my hope at this time is for the 'everlasting life' that jesus speaks of in john 6:53-58 - but on earth.

    by not partaking at the memorial as i play it out in my mind, would be nothing other than a rejection of the ransom.

    i know that my viewpoint at this time is still a JW hybrid.

  • designs

    Greybeard- do you have a private Memorial so that you can celebrate as you choose.

  • Shanagirl

    Greybeard, Thank you, I read with interest and relating to how I felt when I was once a JW. It's all so true.


  • Botzwana

    What about the taking unworthily scripture at 1 corinthians?

  • jwfacts

    Great article.

  • Greybeard

    Thanks friends...

    @ designs, yes I partake in private with another x-jw brother

    @ Botzwana, I would think that partaking " unworthily" would be partaking without believeing in Christ and comming into a personal relationship with him and his father. A person who has no regard for Christ or his father and then shows up to drink the wine would be mocking God.

    I found this online and I agree with it:

    “The focus is not so much on our own worthiness (who is worthy of the sacrifice of Christ?) but in observing the Lord's Supper in the proper manner.” It is possible to partake in an unworthy manner. When you examine yourself, it is not a question of whether or not you are worthy to worship God…none of us are really worthy on our own merit to come into His Presence. Rather you must make sure that the manner in which you partake is right. The manner in which you partake includes principles: rightly discerning the Lord’s Supper for what it is, the use of the proper elements, proclaiming His death, properly focusing your mind to remember Christ as He commanded, the partaking on the Scriptural day, and a self-examination to ensure your personal compliance with God’s will regarding this memorial. It has little to do with other sins you may have in your life as a Christian, though those other sins could become a stumbling block to cause you to violate one of the requirements of partaking worthily."

    I hope that helps...

    My opinion is it is a command and if you believe in Christ you should obey him. With my body I am a slave to sins law but with my mind to Gods law. (Romans 7:25) His sacrifice covers our sin. What does your mind and heart tell you is right in this? Pray and ask for Holy Spirit to guide you.

  • Greybeard

    Thank you Paul,

    Your website, has helped me more than you will ever know. Thank you for all of your hard work and honest presentation!

  • RayPublisher

    The wrongness of only OBSERVING- instead of actually participating in the celebration of Christ's death is apparent to more and more of the sleeping Witnesses.

    What if the #s jumped from 11k to 13k... to 14k... to 20k... as time goes on if the movement hasn't imploded it will happen.

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