As most of us know the WT society has always claimed that it's dissapproved in God's sight to marry a non-JW . Although they've never made it a disfellowshipping offense, any JW who marries outside the JW organization is looked at as " weak " or lacking " spirituality " and loses certain alleged " privileges " in the congregations. They use scriptures in the Old Testament as support for this. In this latest article that JW's will study at their WT study in time, it becomes glaringly apparent that the WT society is not only condescending but is hypocritical in views on marriage.
On pg. 4 paragraph 7 it states, " If a dedicated servant of Jehovah married an unbeliever , this would be an act of disobedience to God. A Christian who marries an unbeliever is NOT exemplary and lacks a real appreciation for God's gift of marriage. Entertaining such a union after baptism can cost one some privileges among God's people. And it would be illogical to expect blessings while admitting in prayer, ' Jehovah, I deliberately disobeyed you, but please bless me anyway. ' " O.K. So how does one show " lack of appreciation for God's gift of marriage " if they marry a non-Witness and it turns out great and they have happy marriages ?? !! Perhaps marriages work BETTER if they don't have Jehovah, er the ( WT society's ) blessing ?? It's VERY condescending of the WT society to claim that marriages will NOT work outside of their organization when JW's marry non-Witnesses. I know lots of people, myself included who REALLY appreciate their marriages outside the Jehovah's Witness organization.
Even the WT society writers THEMSELVES admit as much in this next quote that indeed non-Witnesses DO have " some " appreciation of marriage. Notice the quote, " Even many of those who have known little or nothing about Jehovah God and his wonderful gift of marriage have shown at least a MEASURE of gratitude for the marital bond. " O.K. So now the WT society ADMITS that non-witnesses CAN show a " MEASURE " of gratitude , but by their language they indicate that non-Witnesses could nEVER show the same gratitude for marriage as practicing JW's !
I find this information VERY insulting and idiotically prejudiced. Many, many people outside of Jehovah's Witnesses show ABUNDANT appreciation for their marriages without getting " approval " from God, the WT society, or anybody else ! I'm enjoying just a marriage myself for almost 6 years ! So how are all of you ex-Witnesses marriages doing ? You find it easier after exiting the Witnesses ? I know I do. Not as many controlling intrusions by the WT society ! I'm interested to get your takes and observations on this article. Is it any wonder our JW relatives and former friends views are so skewed and messed up ? Peace out to you all, Mr. Flipper