We were in a congregation where nearly everyone was related, by marriage, to everyone else. It's no wonder why divisive cliques arise with the inevitable nepotism and simony!
5/15 WT - WT Society Displays Condescending Attitude towards Marriage
by flipper 56 Replies latest jw friends
Better to have a marriage without that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag, or his filthy angels, constantly intruding.
I bet this is another washtowel attempt to limit opportunities for people to get married. And, as they create whopper hangups with sex, to do anything about those hangups (and leaving a person spiritually dead in the process). With that unfulfilled energy, they are expected to go wherever the Washtowel sends them (like already-experiencing-too-much-growth Nigeria, or past-peak Japan). Or, they can join the singles Value Destroyer Training School and revive the witlesses in the United Tyranny of Stupidity or whatever country they are sent. Or go to Beth Hell, work there like slaves, and be thrown out when they are no longer able to work or they break one of their rules.
They can take their fxxxing "privileges(??)" and shove them. I don't want the work of being a hounder, or wasting all my time pious-sneering when I could be studying something that actually helps.
Reopened Mind
TotallyADD and I dated according to all the WT rules, including being chaperoned during our courtship, then we were married in a kingdom hall. We raised our two boys in the organization. Were we happy? Not really, the WT kept us too busy to notice whether we were getting what we needed for our own happiness. Now that we have both left together we find we are freer to express what we really feel. We have drawn closer together as we discover our authentic selves. My life is so much better now that I am married to someone who is not a WT drone. TotallyADD and I just passed 38 years together March 23.
Reopened Mind
Not just unbelivers Sisters shouldnt marry, but Baptised Publishers as well if they havnt worked thier way up the Caste system.
I came in the "truth" in my 20s, single, not having a girlfriend made the life quite difficult, but I hoped Jehovah would find me a lovely sister, until that is, I read in an Awake that Sisters should only marry Min serves or Pioneers, as I had to support myself and pay a mortgage, pioneering was not possible, though I did very good hours, even going out alone before the book study etc.
I found this so very discouraging, whilst at the same time Iam turning away "Worldly" girls, learning that the Witness Caste system has deemed me unworthy to ever be loved, and now Iam out Iam too old!
oh gosh those assembly meat markets were pathetic. A bunch of hormone driven social retards with no idea how to talk to each other wha happened? I could not agree more. This is a good point. I saw it myself. Also, your home congregation members can be jealous of you if you interacts with other sisters from other congregations. It stirs intense resentments in them. This includes elders as well. I realised at that time, this is not a club I want to be.
Band on the Run
Both my parents were JWs. There was severe violence and emotional abuse. I could go on forever with disgusting details. Both my mom, aunt, and gm told me never to marry a Bethelite, b/c of their loose morals. Never tell the KH crowd anything of your private life.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
This is the reason why they instituted the Kool-Aid edition. Originally they explained that it was easier not to distribute the study articles to the public so that they wouldn't have to explain words like "pioneer" and "circuit overseer". The real reason is that now they can print such controlling lies.
Funny thing is, at the same time that they're crying for more "workers" to handle "privileges", they're also giving more reasons to remove "privileges." Just makes it easier to walk away from "privileges".
Thanks for all the responses ! Been working a lot , finally have some time to respond. I'll finish pg. 1 responses first.
DISILLUSIONED LOST LAMB - ( love your name by the way ) Good points you make. The WT society has been CONSTANTLY in it's 132 years existence - insulting JW's intelligence. The WT leaders basically think that they have " dumbed down " JW's so thoroughly that they can't think for themselves. And in many instances the WTS is right, most JW's CAN'T think for themselves due to the mind control tactics used by the WTS. And you are right it is very insulting AND it crosses personal boundaries for the WT society to infringe on choosing a marriage mate. I saw a lot of JW marriages fail , including my own back in the 1990's.
MUDDY WATERS- No problem. WT society always misinterprets or misapplies scriptures anyway. No one here noticed.
MP- Interesting about Mordecai and Esther, I didn't realize those Bible characters had pagan connections. Thanks for sharing your research . Makes sense, WT society has lots of pagan connections anyway.
BLONDIE- Wow. Interesting quote from an assembly talk, " marrying an unbeliever is like kissing a corpse. " Incredible. Actually as a JW I found the opposite to be true - being married to a JW was like being married to a corpse , my then JW wife and my sex life was horribly rigid ( like a corpse ) and dull. I'm glad to hear the non-JW spouses walked out of that assembly and were offended. At least it protected them from joining the Witnesses ! And like you say even though a JW may marry a non-JW and if the person becomes a Witness- it's still held against the JW mate for marrying " out of the truth ".
RETROVIRUS- You have a good point. I do think that the Feb. 15th WT which used the illustration of the woman putting up with an abusive husband for 14 years was probably in part- a plug to diss marrying non-witnesses in the first place. Like " don't marry a non-Witness or he'll beat the snot out of you ! " In actuality- probably the OPPOSITE is true, marry a JW guy and a woman WILL be abused psycholgically , emotionally, or physically . In a patriarchal atmosphere as well ! Pretty sick
O.K. Now for pg. 2 responders !
SCOTT 77 - Thanks. I thought it was a pretty applicable title. You are right- WT society has no right or grounds to dictate who people marry. I saw a lot of JW marriages sawn asunder as well, including mine . WTS leaders don't have a clue like you said about normal reality in life providing for a family . They wouldn't recognize what a " normal life " is if it came and smacked them upside the head due to the mind control.
CHEMICAL EMOTIONS- WT society and JW's are a very mean spirited organization, it's no surprise the people are as well.
WHA HAPPENED ? - I'm sorry that happened to you bud from your first JW ex-wife. Hope you have a happier life now. I agree with you- the WT society always tries to make it seem like JW's don't divorce often, I saw more divorces inside the organization than outside actually.
JRK- Exactly. WT society has no new ideas so they just keep regurgitating this " old light " dung that they've excreted all these years.
PHIZZY- Very good point you mention that the END game for the WT society is to retain members and they realize a JW marrying a non-Witness could pull them out of the organization - so that is the real motive behind dissing marrying non-JW's . Good point. It does get quite incestuous with people marrying close , obscure family members.
NUGGET- I agree, these articles are VERY annoying. Very arrogant as well for the WT society to say that ONLY JW marriages work, when in fact MANY non-Witnesses are quite happily married ! Good point you make about how thoroughly indoctrinated JW's are to put the religion ahead of love and personal happiness. Most JW's are not happy people in their personal lives.
AUSSIE OZ- I bet lots of JW's are hooking up on dates on Facebook connections or night clubs. Maybe more JW's will exit then !
PAMS GIRL- I can imagine their has been a lot of innerbreeding inside the Witnesses with Zombies being created. If you look at how they sit when at their assemblies they ALL look like Zombies . LOL !
CANTLEAVE- I saw a lot of cliques with close families and friends inside the Witnesses when I was a JW as well. I was never in them as I usually didn't fit into their cliques. Just as well - I didn't like all the gossip that went on.
WT WIZARD- Exactly. WT society would rather JW's in their early 20's stay single to work for the WT society and be miserable than have a happy personal life. I'm glad you got out WT Wizard .
REOPENED MIND- I'm glad you and Totally ADD exited the JW organization and have much more happiness now . Congratulations on celebrating your 38 years together ! Good for you. It's true like you say that the WT society kept us so busy with THEIR work that none of us had time to give proper attention to our OWN marriages or find real happiness. I'm glad I got out as well. I never would have met Mrs. Flipper !
NAMBO- Welcome to the board Nambo ! Nice having you here. I know what you're saying. When I was a JW teenager I had chances to go out with non-Witness girls but I never did as my elder dad was quite strict. So I towed the party line and married a JW girl at age 19. But you are right- if we weren't pioneers or servants JW women looked at us as if we weren't good enough for them. A " trophy " husband was considered to be an elder, pioneer, or MS. When my JW wife found out I didn't want to be an elder and I wanted to stay an MS , it really pissed her off. She dissed me from that point forward in the marriage. You said you're too old to find a woman now ? How old ARE you ? Remember even 90 yr.olds get married and find happiness in relationships !
BAND ON THE RUN- I'm sorry you experienced severe emotional abuse and violence inside your JW parents marriage. I hope your life got better later and you were able to find happiness.
BILLY the EX-BETHELITE- I agree with you about the kool-aid edition of the WT magazine. I have felt this from the very first time the WT society started printing two different Watchtowers. The WT society wants to hide the lies, control, and dirty laundry of hard discipline so newly interested people will NOT hear about it- until it's too late and they are baptized as JW's. Then, it's too late. WT society has them captured. It's a cruel , conniving organization
Oh boy
I have 2 siblings. the oldest married a non-beleiver. she doesn't go to the kingdom hall all that regularly. she goes to party. she is not baptised. the rest of hte jw family blamer the worldly spouse for her being un'christian' like. well, he's a super great guy. very loving husband.
the other sister is an active ubber dubber. she will NOT marry a jw man, NOR date any man. she admitted to me that the jw men are worthless, pigs and wife beaters. she also hates the "quickie" jw marraiges. Oh, the hope that she wakes up. But no, otherwise she's still an ubber dubber.
sadly, my own father was an ubber dubber too. he refused to date all women. "The society was against that," he says. "They were real hard on that." so, he pioneered for the end of the world. that was during the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. then, his CO told him to get married. he did. follow the rules. follow the rules.
sorry, my caps lock isn't working well