BTTT for any who want to discuss, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
5/15 WT - WT Society Displays Condescending Attitude towards Marriage
by flipper 56 Replies latest jw friends
We had several of these Witnesses from the 1940s in our congregation in LA, boy the sadness for listening to Knorr and Rutherford was heart breaking.
DESIGNS- Wow. You had older JW people who actually followed Rutherford and Knorrs advice to remain unmarried for years until their 80's or so ? I guess it shouldn't surprise me due to the power of mind control, however I feel as you do- just immense sadness that those people were deceived, duped, and manipulated like that
any JW who marries outside the JW organization is looked at as " weak " or lacking " spirituality " and loses certain alleged " privileges " in the congregations.
All you have to do is miss a few meetings here and there and you're in the same boat. Might as well marry and get some nooky, ey?
Maybe the Christian™ who marries an Unbeliever™ has experienced first-hand that JW marriages are not always the Exemplary™ bed of roses the WTS would have everyone believe they are.
Scully, I agree and really, JW way works against happiness because it sets the couple up for extreme, constant disappointment.
My dear cousin married an unbeliever (who's a senior administrator at a local Cal state college and has a BA & MA degree and is an avoved atheist). I often wonder what goes through her head when she reads such drivel.
FLYINGHIGHNOW- Very true how the WT society sets up JW marriages for dissappointment by totally being involved in telling marriage mates what kind of sex they can have , how Jehovah, er, the WT society is the threefold cord, and saying men or women should put God first instead of their marriages. Some of those things sunk my first JW marriage in 1998 after 19 years. I've been much happier married to a non-Witness, believe me !
MRS. JONES- So your cousin is still a Witness, but is married to a non-Witness ? Good for her ! I hope she disagrees with the WT society's takes on it and is offended that they'd speak ill of non-Witness marriages. I hope things are good for your cousin and her hubby