Calling all Atheists.

by mouthy 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Mouthy is loved by all here. How could she not be?

    Peace Grace,


  • truth_b_known

    I believe if there were really was a man who lived that is now called "Jesus" (Joshua would be a more accurate translation) as described in the Bible he would love me. Even non-christians recognize the wisedom and love displayed by the man we call "Jesus".

    If a diety whom has been dubbed "Jesus" does exist I would have to imagine that other dieties do, as well. There is no more evidence to suggest that a Yahweh or Jesus is real than there is Zeus, Odin, or any other god that is or was worshipped.

    We can thank Emperor Constatine for spreading Christianity to non-christians. This was usually done at spear or sword point. Most christians believe Christianity is the true religion because that is how they were raised.

  • zoiks

    Thanks, Grace! I hope you're doing well.

  • Giordano

    Perfect place for my one and only atheist joke.......says the non-beliver.

    So a well known outspoken atheist is taking a stroll through the woods when he encounters a bear. The atheist takes off running and the bear gives chase.

    Oh my god says the atheist and runs as hard as he can, but the bear is faster and knocks the man down. With a paw on the man's chest the beast is ready. The atheist is trapped and knows he's facing death. god god god he cries out and just at that moment he hears a voice coming down from the heavens. "Atheist you have denied and lied about me and now you want my help?"

    "Please God I didn't know....I'm sorry."

    Just then a glowing fog settles over the bear and the man. The bear looks up to the heavens, then down to the man, the bear bows it's head and prays.

    "thank you Lord for providing this bountiful feast".

  • undercover

    Jesus is texting you while he's supposed to be doing my yard work??? I ain't paying him for that. I'll have a word or two with him when he comes to collect payment...

  • ziddina

    No way that dude could have ever existed...

    The secular Roman accounts of the time in which 'he' supposedly 'lived', NEVER mention 'him' - though they DO mention OTHER "Messiah-wanna-be's", since the Romans considered them to be trouble-makers and dealt with them as such.

    Besides, humans worshipped GODDESSES for WELL OVER TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND YEARS - and many are still worshipping goddesses TO THIS DAY.

    That's a MUCH longer pedigree than a mere two thousand years...


    You can fantasize some invisible 'buddy' in the sky based on the mentality and fantasies of ignorant, superstitious, backwards Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern nomadic males, all you wish to.

    But that and slightly over two bucks will get you a cuppa coffee at Starbucks...

  • NewChapter

    LOL!! To Girodano. (edit)

    My favorite church sign that I saw years ago:

    Atheists Epithet: All dressed up and no place to go.

  • thetrueone

    Jesus was mankind's first humanist, for that reason I stand beside him.

    Jesus is alright with me.

  • cantleave

    Hi Mouthy!!!!!!!

    Here's a big wave to you and your buddy Jesus....

  • NewChapter

    Oh Cantleave---he'll just calm it flat again!

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