Calling all Atheists.

by mouthy 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • HintOfLime
    I'm not a fan of the 'respect for elders' rule, but with Mouthy, I think it applies.
    for shame!

    "Calling" athiests with "Hey Athiests! Jesus Loves you" is pretty much a troll. The intent was to be antagonizing and perhaps a bit disrespectful toward another worldview. Mouthy is a big girl - she was asking for a response.

    I see no problem in folks having some fun and dishing it back.

    - Lime

  • NewChapter

    I don't think Mouthy's intent was disrespect---but I do think that because she knowingly called the atheists with a jesus loves you---that she has a good sense of humor and can probably take most of this in stride.

    Mouthy is pretty loving from what I've seen---and this was bound to bring out some teasing.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    tal...this old fella tells us Jesus loves us too....I don't believe him either...but he isn't posting on JWN directly to try to provoke Atheists is he? I mean, I don't start threads like....Calling all christians...Krishna loves you...why would you do that when you know they don't believe in him? if not to get a response?

  • HintOfLime

    This will never make it to 15 pages unless we all agree to over-react.

    *Sigh* I'm never going to have my chance at a good rage-quit at this rate.

    - Lime

  • tec

    Mouthy doesn't seem to have a problem with teasing responses back to her; she was teasing a bit with her own post. That doesn't mean she doesn't believe it, and it doesn't mean that it didn't come from a place of affection in her heart for the 'atheists' she called. No need for anyone to take offense.

    (Also, I would not be offended by someone saying... calling all christians, Krishna loves you, lol. No big deal. I would consider it a compliment from the person stating it, who believed in Krishna)



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Its ok Lime...Krishna loves you...he hears your frustration.

  • xchange

    I just thought I might get a skiing partner today and a free beer. Didn't read anymore into it than that. Or should I have been pissed he didn't show up??

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    tec...whose offended? we were just responding to tal saying respect our elders. would also think the person wishing Krishna love on you could learn the truth wouldn't you tec? Your truth...listen to you would think they were sweet but misguided.

  • talesin

    I have learned that old people don't get a free pass for erroneous thinking.

    True dat.

    Sometimes, older people get a pass for being uber kind and forgiving of others, and ESPECIALLY for understanding that their own way, isn't the HIGHWAY! That is how our Mouthy is ....

    many bouquets to you, Mouthy, for your faith, and also your TOLERANCE.



  • FlyingHighNow

    Mouthy, you are wonderful and so is your friend.

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