Memorial partakers this year?

by punkofnice 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    Great question Ding

    " The elders assigned to help a baptism candidate will meet after the third session and decide whether the person should be accepted for baptism or not. Elders will take into consideration the background, ability, and other circumstances of each baptism candidate. Our interest is in those who have turned their hearts to Jehovah and who have grasped the sense of fundemental Bible truths"_____Organized to doJehovah's will book page 218 para. three

    when the WTS call their members crazy, it don't reflect to well on the spirit appointed elders

    They baptised crazy folks who could'nt grasp anything ?????? . So much for bein' guided by holy spirit

    If those folks are crazy, just remember this " By their fruits, you shall know the WTS "

  • Quendi


  • punkofnice

    I was just looking over this old thread and musing over the 'new light'(TM) that relegates the 'anointed'(TM) to unworthy rank and file and promotes the GB and their suck-ups to gods.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It'll be open slather on the wine and bikkies shortly. "Get an extra Chateau Cardboard Brother, we're havin a hoedown tonight!"

  • punkofnice

    Black Sheep - LOL. Soon the 'emblems'(TM) will be invisible. There, but invisible.

  • cantleave

    Since memorial partakers are no longer the FDS, the numbers are irrelavent, so why record them?

  • punkofnice

    It makes me laugh. I remember (as others have said), how years ago we saw the 'partakers'(TM) dwindling in numbers each year. Now they're booming. Hahahahahahahahahahaha......oooh dear....WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    So the twats at the top have stamped on this one.

    I for one believe the GB are business men and possibly delusional (although I suspect they know they're running a dangerous cult and are coining it in whilst enjoying the power).

    Where I work there have been announcements of redundancies and 'strategy'. This is all announced well in advance and the 'fat cats' at the top know what they're planning months, maybe years in advance.

    With the rise of the internet we have seen arguments and evidence that DEMOLISHES WBT$ doctrine. Case in point 607BCEBeing re-active rather than pro-active, I believe the GB have had their suck ups report back with their findings. Findings that ultimately hurt the GB where it hurts the most. Their wallets.

    What are your thoughts on this little ponderance....

    The 'new light'(TM) that says the FDS was chosen in 1919 makes no mention of 1914. 1914 has been essential to the naff chronology of the WBT$ and they trace it back to the whacky date of 607BCE. The 'overlapping'(TM) generations still had the need for 1914 but just patched up a hole (quite badly too).

    Do the GB have a long term plan in place to drip feed 'new light'(TM) to gradually remove their false chronology? Then they can change the 'generation'(TM) doctrine usual.

    Not JUST this, but could there be a long term plan on the GB's gold plated desks to change doctrine over a period of time OR do they just make this crap up as they go along?

    (Note to self: Have I said what I wanted to say?)

  • simon17

    Since memorial partakers are no longer the FDS, the numbers are irrelavent, so why record them?

    Because, as they printed in Watchtower 2000 Jan 15 p.13, the steadily declining number of annointed ones is one of the 6 main proofs of our being in the last days.

  • Mary

    So did they ever publish how many partook this year?

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    (Flashback: day after memorial 1992) “Brother Sanderson the body of elders is concerned about your partaking last night, may you perhaps have some mental or emotional imbalance that might cause you to assume mistakenly that you have the heavenly calling? After all, brother and sister BeenINSince1914 have suffered indignities of being imprisoned, attacked by mob crowds, incarcerated in WW2, they don’t partake but they surely have stuck with Jesus longer than you have…”

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