Every patch they make reminds me of a software patch that repairs a bug, but causes some other parts of code to go haywire. Eventually the software gets so buggy that it needs a fresh rewrite from the ground up. These Watchtower clowns sorely need to start at Genesis 1:1 and gothrough and rewrite the whole code from the ground up, decide what to make literal, what to make symbolic, but most of all make it cehesive and self consistent. Sure, they will lose a bunch of people, but they have a core of koolaide drinkers that would not even bat an eye at Watchtower 3.0. They could leave out trinity and hellfire, and still do just fine, but they need to do something soon and do it right.
Memorial partakers this year?
by punkofnice 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Punky, I have concluded that the GB and their advisers would love to have an effective long term plan, they are aware that simply being reactive is not good, by the time they have reacted the target has moved.
I think some of the GB, probably a majority, believe their own B.S to a great degree, so will not countenance a subtle, manipulative, long term plan to change doctrine, they have to let New Light shine slowly and dimly at first, until a matter is illuminated sufficiently that they can see it fully.
This must frustrate the true business men, who do not believe any of the crap, and advise and steer the GB, such guys can see the need for what Kurt outlines above, but cannot push the GB along quick enough.
I hope they continue as they are, because events will outstrip their ability to react effectively, and I may even see the demise of the WT in my lifetime !
I wonder if they will publish a partakers figure in the Yearbook ?
Having said the above, the latest "Noo LIte" about the FDS is simply a cynical way of getting out of explaining the rise in partakers, spiking the guns of any non-GB anointed, and of gaining more control over the R&F ,and so more "loyalty", keeping the $$$ rolling in, they hope. So, the business minds got that one through, but I guess it really appealed to the egos of the GB, so was not a hard sell.
One thing that was very troubling to them was the amount of WOMEN partaking.
I dont know the figures, but i had heard this was an issue for headship,,, Jesus selecting women?. how can that be,,, what status do they then hold....
Sure there were NEW ones coming into the organisation and after a few years they would partake, these ones were disgredited easily,,
however what do you say when ones that have been in for 30 years or so or born in's suddenly start to partake,,
These ones cannot be claimed as mentally unstable. Their preaching is active, their minds sound, and suddenly they say we have a calling not of this earth.
The model of decrease became a problem, the increase of women became just as big a problem..
"One thing that was very troubling to them was the amount of WOMEN partaking.
I dont know the figures, but i had heard this was an issue for headship,,, Jesus selecting women?. how can that be,,, what status do they then hold...." Maisha, above
Thanks for pointing that out, Maisha...
Whatta buncha misogynists...
Memorial partakers ....is down played , no longer of interest because the door was again opened to the calling simply to allow for
selection of younger anointed to the GB (those chosen before 1935 are died or are in nursing homes)
but at the same time to down play any authority of these new ones may feel entitled to , in order to maintan central control and authority.
All anointed outside the GB are simply part of the "domestics" like the other sheep class
A domestic worker is a person who works within the employer's household... they are "the help "
Yep. Looks like the GB and their suck-ups/lawyers have been manipulating the 'new light'(TM) in their favour.
In other words they have assumed total control.
they say they do not want to know how many "real anointed" remain. And they have taken away all their status and centred authority with the G B ...so why publish a meaningless figure ? ~~ (BluesBrothers..... from another thread)
The anointed class in effect become" unnumbered" like the great crowd
After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb..." Revelation 7:9
W 1-15-2000 p13)
"Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller.”
Yr Partakers
2000 - 8661
2001 - 8730
2002 - 8760
2003 - 8565
2004 - 8570
2005 - 8524
2006 - 8758
2007 - 9105
2008 - 9986
2009 - 10857
2010 - 11202
2011 - 11824the last jump was up 622 partakers !
Given a modest 4% increase in comparison with recent years the total of Memorial partakers is 12,297 for 2012.
Of course they know how many partakers their are after the memorial is over just as they know how many were in attendance .
OOps I didn`t realise this was an old post