by minimus 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    There's obviously a misrepresentation of justest involving this case.

    A guy who thinks he's been given police status within his neighborhood (cop with a gun) spots a person of whom he perceives to be suspicious.

    Follows this person who is just walking down a street, perhaps to him looks suspicious because he's a male teenager wearing a

    hoody over his head. In return the teenager thinks this guy is a following predator who's out to do him some harm, so he starts to run toward his home,

    his original destination. Each individual when they finally meet up are totally unaware what that person is up to, one thinks the other person

    (Zimmerman) is an attacking predator and the other person thinks (Martin) is a burglar prowling the neighborhood.

    Words were exchanged and before you know it there's a physical struggle, one of the individuals has a gun and makes the decision to use

    it on the other person to whom he's fighting, which results the gun being fired killing the other combatant.

    Martin was running to his father's house to where he assumed he'd be finally safe there.

    Unfortunately Zimmerman caught up to him just two doors away from his father's house where the altercation took place.

    Zimmerman never self identified himself to Martin, who he was and why he was following him and obviously wasn't wearing a police or

    security uniform to help Martin identify who he was. If Zimmerman had done this and made it clear to Martin, the whole event could

    have come to abrupt halt and Zimmerman should have accordingly apologized for the mis-confusion.

    I think the police handling this case fumbled it badly and Zimmerman should be charged with aggravating assault with a weapon

    and manslaughter.

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    Zimmerman is being charged. That's only state though. Justice Dept. is also investigating civil rights charges. If anything, I hope this halts the growing specter of violence and calms the situation down a bit now while letting the legal system do its thing.

  • straightshooter
  • botchtowersociety
    Watch for the KRG in the coming months - Romney has already given it a whirl with the GOP War on Women:

    Looks like Team Obama is giving him lots of help!


    Attacking Ann Romney — yeah, that’s the ticket!

    Overnight President Obama’s faux “war on women” attack on Mitt Romney blew up in his face. It is fitting that a gimmick should boomerang this quickly and this severely, maybe giving Romney the first big break of the race.

    By now you’ve probably heard that Hilary Rosen, a sometime White House adviser and frequent visitor, on CNN attacked the most popular person in the campaign, Ann Romney, with a cartoon version of left-leaning feminism, declaring that the mother of five who has battle multiple sclerosis and cancer “never worked a day in her life.” (Query why the conservative on the panel sat there like a lump on the log. Maybe a few more conservative women on CNN would balance the coverage. He claims to have “missed it.” Indeed.) No, this really happened. Honest. But it didn’t stop. Rosen took to Twitter to dig her hole deeper and deeper, never apologizing. (At this point Republicans should be humming Dayenu.)

    But it didn’t end there. Obama political hacks David Axelrod and Jim Messina took to Twitter to condemn the remarks and to call on Rosen to apologize, thereby making Rosen seem closer to the president’s campaign (and the campaign more responsible for her gaffe than might otherwise be the case). And — yup — it didn’t end there. Ann Romneynow is on Twitter and got a gazillion followers in just hours. Her first tweet was a keeper: “I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work.”

    Needless to say, the “war on women” has taken on a whole new tone. Let’s count the ways this is just awful for Obama and/or Democrats more generally. There are a few, so find a comfortable seat.

    First, Obama, as a conservative pundit put it, just went a long way toward solidifying Romney’s base, especially among social conservatives who loathe elites who look down on stay-at-home moms.

    Second, it feeds into the cliche that liberals love humanity but hate people. In this case they love womanhood but treat their own employees and conservative women like dirt.

    Third, the “war on women” just became Romney’s vehicle for narrowing the gender gap, especially among women with children.

    Fourth, this points to the absurdity of Obama’s approach to the campaign — nonstop negativity and gimmicks.When one goes awry, what’s he got to say?

    Fifth, there will be a new term in politics: A Rosen. That is a gaffe of epic proportions that is magnified by the gaffer’s own stubbornness and insistence on digging deeper.

    Sixth, Hilary Rosen, who makes her living in PR (irony alert), better find other work. She’s really terrible at her job, if this is any indication.

    Seventh, Ann Romney becomes an even bigger superstar and asset than she was before. Provided she doesn’t overplay it, she can be truly successful in reaching out to female voters and humanizing her husband.

    Eighth, Romney has the chance for one of those revealing human moments that the campaign has generally shied away from. Some righteous anger or a loving defense of his wife, you can bet, is coming up. It’s the equivalent of the Al-Tipper Gore kiss. Americans, if Romney does this well, are about to say, “Wow! He has a pulse.”

    Ninth, this is possibly the first Twitter-driven political kerfuffle, playing out in the evening and without much input from either traditional media or blogs. The good news for Republicans is they have learned to master social media. Better news is that the Romney team moved with “lightning speed” to capi­tal­ize on this. Team Romney is more nimble than it has been in the past.

    Tenth, I suspect not even the left blogosphere is going to save the president on this one. Yes, the bloggers will snort that this is all overplayed (not very credible from those who wrote thousands of words about Etch-a-Sketch). Yes, they will say that even though Messina and Axelrod leapt to condemn Rosen’s remarks, that it is not like Obama spoke these words. (Cue the laughter from Eric Fehrnstrom.) But really this is such a mess, it may be better to cut their losses, condemn Rosen for being idiotic and try to move on. Good luck with that, fellas.

  • NewChapter

    Most people agree that those comments against Ann Romney were uncalled for. Obama's camp has come out against them. I don't like it when people attack Michelle Obama, and I don't like it when they attack Ann Romney. You aren't going to get a lot of argument over this BTS---but Obama is not some Jedi Master in complete control over all of his supporters. It will pass because he will handle it appropriately.


  • botchtowersociety

    Damage done, people in glass houses and all that.


    I went to the Twins game tonight and saw the home team win their first of the year against the Angels, 6-5. It was a lot of fun, and I tweeted updates and photos periodically. (You can follow me @jhinderaker.) I was on Twitter most of the evening, and a single story was burning up the Twitter feed: a Democratic lobbyist and strategist and one of Washington’s most powerful lesbians, Hilary Rosen–perhaps the ultimate Democratic Party insider–said on CNN that Ann Romney “has never worked a day in her life.”

    Thousands upon thousands of tweets denounced Rosen, some of them cleverly. Ann Romney herself took to Twitter for the first time and wrote:

    I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work.

    Ms. Rosen, perhaps unaware of how thoroughly she was being clobbered, responded rudely with a message to Mrs. Romney:

    I am raising children too. But most young American women HAVE to BOTH earn a living AND raise children. You know that don’t u?

    The Obama administration, sensing a Waterloo in its silly “war on women” theme, quickly sent David Axelrod to disavow Rosen’s comments. And all of this happened before the Twitter tempest was three hours old. We will be hearing more about Rosen’s insults in the days to come, but for the moment, this story raises–like so many others–the question, why are so many liberals so mean-spirited?

  • botchtowersociety


    In early Obama White House, female staffers felt frozen out

    Friction about the roles of women in the Obama White House grew so intense during the first two years of the president’s tenure that he was forced to take steps to reassure senior women on his staff that he valued their presence and their input.

    At a dinner in November 2009, several senior female aides complained directly to the president that men enjoyed greater access to him and often muscled them out of key policy discussions.

    Here's Obama's speech writer.

  • botchtowersociety
  • NewChapter

    I think you are hoping that some stupid remark has done a great deal more damage than it has. Obama has the support of women, and one stray comment from someone that was not him is not going to be the downfall. The trend in the red states is what we need to look at. Vaginal probes speak much louder than some stupid twitter comment.


  • botchtowersociety

    Last I checked, Romney doesn't want to probe anyone's vag. Care to show me that he does?

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