by minimus 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    If he had taken the high road, we'd not be here today. Some people fear he--and his acolytes in the media--have set race relations back decades.

    So the high road was for him to say nothing? The black president commenting on the death of a young black man has set race relations back decades? Or could it be the FOX news reaction to such has set race relations back decades? Could this not be something that moved him, having been a young black man in America at one time? He didn't make accusations, he expressed condolences. This was not the only condolence he has offered in the course of his presidency. I realize that if he ever does anything that might suggest he is black, people will claim that he is starting a class war. But I just didn't see it. I didn't see anything in the comment until the right got hold of it.

    And now we have a comparison to Jackson and Sharpton. These two men were fighting a very big battle, and doing so quietly was not going to work. Sharpton openly says he has regrets about some of the things he has said---but he wanted to be heard and made mistakes. Injustices were everywhere, and there was anger, but we don't think about that. We think about the things that might have offended us, completely disregarding the battle and the context. Fighting for rights gets noisy and messy. We still have a long way to go, obviously, since a black president can't express sadness over the death of a young black man without being accused of starting some kind of war.

    It just baffles me how different brains work. It's crazy that we can all view the same thing and come to such radically different conclusions. I almost miss the days of political neutrality because I see that there simply may be no common ground and nothing but accusations and conflict. It's quite insane.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    NC, I see you're westling with the children again. I thought u learned your lesson by now

  • tootired2care
  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    case in point

  • harekrishna

    I"m *STILL* gonna vote for Ron Paul 2012. God bless him.

  • tootired2care
    I almost miss the days of political neutrality because I see that there simply may be no common ground and nothing but accusations and conflict. It's quite insane.

    Well if people like you would stop being so quick to call other people racists that would probably be a good start towards a brighter future .

  • NewChapter

    Racism was the norm not the exception for most of our history. So one could say that ALL ideologies were shaped, at one time, by racism. This is not shocking, it is reality. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, while she worked very hard for women's suffrage when African Americans were working for their right to vote, was resistant to simply joining forces and fighting for both. She was a racist. Most people were.

    History aside, we have to look at what movements stand for today. Republicans fought to end slavery---Democrats were on the wrong side of that issue. But today? The southern strategy? This is relevant today.

    Planned Parenthood had a great deal of racism in its beginning---as did most organizations---but what are they doing today?

    Take any ideology, and movement, any religion, and go back far enough and you will find racism.

    If an organization or ideology has evolved and become enlightened over the years, then that is the important fact. The field of anthropology at one time was responsible for a lot of false racial categories and myths about traits. It was anthropologists that took to measuring facial traits and bodies to determine if race played a role in intelligence, morality, etc. But it was also anthropology that realized the error in such exercises, and now they lead in trying to right that misconception. They don't hide from those origins, but instead bring it out to discuss how they came to understand how impossible it is to define race.

    So tootired you have not dropped any bombshells. We have come a long way---ALL of us. Much racism has been rectified in these movements. You will find racists everywhere---again, not shocking. Frustrating, but not shocking. So let's learn from history, but focus on current goals. Liberalism stands for many things, but no longer stands for racism. What? Become a conservative because there was some unpleasant history? Give me a break.

    And while conservatives do all in their power to block the minority vote, they are going to have a harder and harder time convincing us that they want what is best for all. I can see why they feel a need to try to reach back through history to 'nab' liberals.

    You know what else the liberal movement believed when it first came about? That population would respond to food availability. That people would simply die when food was scarce, and this was just the way things are balanced. Today? Not so much. Liberals work for social safety nets to protect people from poverty and hunger. But there is another movement that would like to take that away.

    American was a slave holding nation. We were a nation that denied civil rights to all but white men with property. We didn't allow 'non-white' immigrants to become citizens. We herded Japanese Americans into camps and took their property. Sooooooo-----is that the US today? Well some would take us back there, but we hope not.

    History is great, but it hasn't proven anything that is relevant right now.


  • NewChapter

    Well if people like you would stop being so quick to call other people racists that would probably be a good start towards a brighter future .

    Exactly WHO have I called a racist?

  • ziddina
    "I love the touchy, feely pacifists...." Glandular

    What part of "She-Devil" do you not get?

    You're about as observant as a snail...

  • tootired2care

    NC - well said. Agreed racism does exist, just maybe not in the way the modern culture of liberals are interpreting that it does. Criticism of anyone, minority, majority POTUS etc. does not automatically constitute racism -- such accusations without good evidence is despicable and really ends up watering down the meaning and seriousness of the word.

    The problem is there seems to be this idea that conservatives or whatever side disagrees with liberal thinking/actions as of late has a trademark on racism, and that has got to stop, or it will only lead to a very dark place. I realize I didn't drop any bombshells with that video; however its a good reminder to see that racism is well founded within the annals of the liberal movement showing that no group has it trademarked, including the present tense.

    In this day and age racism in the U.S. should be a non-issue. When a black man became president of the U.S. this was a bright new day for America, no doubt about it. I honestly thought wow that is really cool, what potential Obama and really everyone had who thought they had limits due to skin color now has. Finally we can stop having distinctions and just be Americans, no more need to have special goverment institutions to make people feel different from one another. No more would anyone need to feel like a second class citizen. The sky is the limit no matter what your skin color.

    Sadly Obama had to go and do some strange things that really alienated himself and caused a great deal of suspicion (I won't bore you with examples), there were those that were critical of his actions (e.g. FoxNews); and as a counter tactic the overly sensitive liberal media created this narrative that it's all because of racism -- Obama did not help with his rhetoric in those instances also. Now things are more divisive than I remember them being in a long time. The liberal media has got to stop this, they are only hurting the country more. News organizations, liberal or conservative should be calling things out and not defending the POTUS and race bating.

    WHO have I called a racist?

    No one that I'm aware of, and I never said you did

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