Prosecutors Arrest Rape Victim for Failure to Show up at Trial!

by Diest 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Who is saying she should withdraw? How is looking after yourself and protcting your state of mind withdrawing? How is dragging her through a court system good for her state of mind? And after they have put her through all that, if he walks like most do. How will she feel after that? They obviously have other victims willing to speak up. Why compound her pain.

    We all have rights...except when you are a victim it would seem.

  • tec

    Still -

    (for all of your posts on this thread, and not just the last one)

  • NewChapter

    It is simply not a good time to be female in this country! WTF is happening? I'm sure they are just lavishing her with love and affection and support as they handcuff her! f**kers. It sickens me that people are defending this. Maybe it is because I am the mother of a daughter, but my heart is actually aching as I think of what is happening to her.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I feel the same NewChapter...I remember VIVIDLY how I felt after this happened to me. Every minute of it, every emotion. I can't bear to think about this poor girl being treated this way. It is inhumane.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    If it locks away a serial rapist for the next 40 years, who will rape again next has to be done. If everyone didn't testify he could go on for years.

  • NewChapter

    Yes, because it is worth destroying a young girl's life----because we simply can't come up with another way---she was chosen---she must be sacrificed---for the good of all.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    So you have children? would you sacrifice one of yours for the good of all? And if he is not convicted? Was it worth the sacrifice?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Okay so this guy can do the same thing to another 2,000 girls and then get away with many girls do we need to "Sacrifice" before he is stopped?

    P.S I think she should be given all the support and love possible but he MUST go to Jail.

  • NewChapter

    Yeah, and I'm sure she's getting all that love and support between foster care and jail. mmmm hmmmm.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Missing the point.........SERIAL RAPIST = HE WILL DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN TO OTHER GIRLS. No testimony, no conviction.


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