He MUST go to jail?
Have you seen the statistics for that?
Instead of focussing on making a young girl testify...when she doesn't want to.
Why don't we focus on why so many offenders are able to walk away free...with no conviction? Maybe, if the court system was better there would be less offenders out there raping women. But putting it all on this yong girl is ridiculous. The justice system is the failure, NOT HER.
And, as New Chapter pointed out. Becuase of this, more women will not report this type of crime. If we can't protect the victims and treat them like criminals. What sort of justice system is that? When we let 97% of offenders walk after these brave women have stood up to be counted we have to look at the system and say it is fundamentally flawed.
This young girl is a scapegoat...and people who believe it ok that she is treated this way need to wake up and smell reality.