Alas, sabastious.
If only god would harden your heart and kill some more little children in your name this time...
then everyone on this forum would certainly believe.
- Lime
by jam 31 Replies latest jw friends
Alas, sabastious.
If only god would harden your heart and kill some more little children in your name this time...
then everyone on this forum would certainly believe.
- Lime
The Exodus story has little historical support, so must be viewed as an allegory, if so, it simply teaches us that YHWH is a pretty nasty guy.
Sheesh, don't ask me...
I'm still stuck on the fact that the Israelites were only 250 miles away from their "Promised Land"....
And the areas roundabouts were pretty much inhabited, too...
So, where the heck DID they "wander", for 40 years????
Or maybe it just took 40 years to move 1 million plus people - (out of 70 people and over 4 - 6 generations) - 250 miles...
Just watch 10 commandments , I think you'll get the idea.
Ziddina: on A previous topic, someone stated.
Tracking around in A circle for 40 years, they enter
A city and inquire how do we get to the promise land.
The people tell them, we told you two years ago its
right over the hill. Hell my young son can find it, look
its right over there, whats wrong with you people. My
blind grandmother can show you the way.
Heathen: yes watching the 10 Commandments, about
20% of what the Bible states.
Well, according to the story, it wasn't that they couldn't find it of natural means, it was that no one from that generation was allowed to enter it. Their children could (another generation), but those from that generation could not.
So, where the heck DID they "wander", for 40 years????
New International Version (NIV)
11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, The Israelites in the story were not strong and needed a lot of refinement. The best way to refine humans is by making them endure and be patient despite what's happening around them. -Sab
Sab; Why God did not show the same compassion
for the tribes he supposedly ordered the Israelites
to kill,plunder and rape on their way to the promise land?
Sab; Why God did not show the same compassion
for the tribes he supposedly ordered the Israelites
to kill,plunder and rape on their way to the promise land?
The Israelites had just got done destroying a world power by means of plagues as well as drowning the king and his finest army. The surrounding nations would certainly know this as they were connected to the world power as well. Therefore, the One True God had made his choice as to where humanities safe haven would be located: with the Nation of Israel. There are various facts in the story that support YHWH wanting all people to reside as a single nation. This is forshadowing what the Jesus character does much later in the Bible, by opening up the kingdom of God to all mankind. Stories such as Rehab are indicative that YHWH wanted to assimilate moreso than completely destroy. Once the citizens made their choices, their towns were leveled to make way for the salvation of all humanity through the Nation of Israel.
Sab; not to be argumentative, "but their towns were leveled
to make way for the salvation of all humanity through the nation
of Israel." That statment is why I stop believeing in GOD. I know
you are sincere but the God of the old Testament was ruthless.
I think humanity would have continued without the killing of
innocent childrens.