Sab tell me how 3 million jews (600k men and their families that left Egypt) lived in a crappy strip of land with no modern farming technology. It took 1k years for Rome (the city) to have 1 million people and to support that they had a very large empire.
Thought and question, the Exodus.
by jam 31 Replies latest jw friends
Sab tell me how 3 million jews (600k men and their families that left Egypt) lived in a crappy strip of land with no modern farming technology. It took 1k years for Rome (the city) to have 1 million people and to support that they had a very large empire.
I'm pretty sure the numbers are embellished. It's important to keep in mind the hundreds of years of conflicting oral transmission of the stories before they were agreed upon and written down. Many seemingly unbelievable facts are just that. This is why the Bible takes such rigorous study. Mordern day Bible scholars are much more informed than, say 17th century Bible scholars. Simply because the modern day people get to glean off of the past. The natural course of things.
That statment is why I stop believeing in GOD.
I can totally understand that. However I think George Washington, and other great leaders of history have all had one thing in common. They all had to do ghastly things to keep their idea alive. For instance Washington was reported of hanging many men for mutiny. As a defector myself I feel a kinship to the necks Washington snapped, but I agree with him that they weren't worth losing what Washington had in store for his people. The further back you travel in history the lesser we relate with it's morality. I think sometimes we get too attached to Bronze Age babies.
Another factor to consider is the concept of souls. The Bible does make clear distinction between body and soul. So it's feasible to say the babies were sent off into the cosmos.
It is not cant make up whatever you want in a myth. With no historical data to back it up and fanciful stories, I don't get how this is any different from a story about Prometheus or Hercules.
It is not cant make up whatever you want in a myth. With no historical data to back it up and fanciful stories, I don't get how this is any different from a story about Prometheus or Hercules.
The only difference between Bible Mythology and Greek Mythology is the content. Their purposes are exactly the same. They are both ancient's trying to explain God and mysticism and developed it into a system for the layman to use/be educated on. Both are designed off the notion of an intrinsic supply and demand based off of the human need for connection to one's creator. Lots of people in ancient times regarded Prometheus and Hercules as real entities just as many did Abraham and Joseph.
The numerical figures used in Mythology, such as how many people left Egypt at the Exodus, are not necessarily going to be cold hard facts. This is because of the limitations of oral tradition. Details such as numbers can and will get lost in the shuffle. So when we don't find evidence to support 3 million people then there were probably less than 3 million people.
Sab; Why God did not show the same compassion
for the tribes he supposedly ordered the Israelites
to kill,plunder and rape on their way to the promise land?
What makes you think He did not? Or that He did not try? But that they rather turned away from Him, or refused to hear Him?
There is a verse in which God warns the Israelites not to do the things that the nations around them were doing... because doing those things is how those nations defiled themselves. Defiled themselves... as in they were once NOT defiled. But their actions made them so.
I think the numbers are embellished as well. Can't state that as a fact though. But evidence seems to conclude that the kingdoms and the nation were not as large as what they have been passed on as being.
Band on the Run
I don't think it is wise to take a relatively recent theological construct and apply it to the ancient Egyptians and Jews.God's spirit in the OT seems very different from the hero of ACts in the NT.
The text makes no sense. It shows a very unsophisticated concept of God. It is basically immoral. All those Egyptians lives were human lives. They should be as precious to God as any Israelite life. Once again, another OT example of an immoral god with no moral values. If you are the other, KILL< KILL< KILL>
Tec; EX.3:7 God promised to deliver them out of Egypt
to A land of milk and honey. The problem that land was
occupied by many tribes. So what were they suppose to do,
move out are fight(Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites and others.)
EX.17:14 the lord said "I will utterly blot out the remembrance
of Amalek from under heaven", after God allowed Joshua( VS13)
to mow down Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.
Where is the compassion?
Witness 007
For some reason it sounds like a fairy tale, badly written.
Yes 007, A really bad script.