Have you ever give and/or receive apology to/from anyone many years later?
by Iamallcool 22 Replies latest jw friends
Witness 007
My disfellowshiped sister for shunning her.
I apologized to an ex girlfriend like 6 years after the last time we spoke. That last time we spoke she told me that if I ever saw her face again it would already be too late because I would be dead right after. She was nearly right. I found her place and her husband opened the door. He called her and she sent him and their houseguests after me. In the insuing beating I managed to mess up her husband's back and I was nearly beaten to death. I never took her at her word. DUMBASS...
I've been thinking of calling my Mother who is bipolar I and DF'd Apostate. She pleaded with me in tears to not get baptised and go back to JW's but I didn't listen. I haven't spoken to her in 8 or 9 years. I spoke to my half sister about her on Facebook and she said she just had another episode. She left college to go take care of her. She must hate me for not helping her. Actually my entire family on my mother's side is DF'd or fell away and I've ignored them for so very long. Now I'm on the edge of tears just thinking about it. I hope that my family on that side forgives me.
No but I've sent plenty of them. usually I have found that people aren't as sorry to me for screwing me over as I am for screwing thwem over. so I just stopped doing it.
The elder who choked me apologized two years later.
I've had a couple people apologize to me years later for being mean to me during my school years. And I've apologized to my best friend and sister for shunning them.
And my Mom recently apologized for raising me as a JW which was nice.
I called on an apostate while engaged in door to door service around 1995. (I heard about him but never knew who he was. I was new in the area.) He answered the door with COC in his hand and suggested the book on me. I immidiatly realized who he was and who the author of the book was. I treated both him and the book as if they were the most loathsome thing I've ever seen. I am finally awakened and read COC recently. I visited him and his wife a week ago, some 17 years later, and apologized him not only for my action toward him but all the persecution that he endured from local JWs for 30 years.
I would also like to sincerely apologize all of you ex/inactive/current JWs who have been persecuted/suffered for following your conscious.
Bubblegum Apotheosis
It happens on Circuit Assembly parts, "brother Anfre realize's he has a grudge against brother Denny ,after the life changing Part, he runs up with hugs and kisses, peace restored" Apologies are nice in theory, seldom practiced for fear of another unresolved issue rearing it's ugly head up.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
I wish I could apologize to all my now deceased non-witless family for any mistreatment on the part of my witless family or myself.
I especially wish I could apologize to my DF grandmother who saw the BS all along.