No can I get out of going in service?

by Captain Obvious 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    As some of you who read my previous thread know, my matrix moment has passed, and I am on my way out. I am trying very hard to fade slowly in hopes that my wife will wake up, and maybe my family too.

    The problem is, my conscience still works well, and I don't want to go out in if service and tell people things that I KNOW aren't true. I have felt this way for a few months, but have managed to get out once for 3 hrs each month for the past few months. This has kept the elders off of my trail for the time being. I have always hated service, since I was a kid. It is so humiliating! And I feel bad for the people I bother on their day off, and even worse for the people who seem interested!

    Last month I managed to go out but not get out of the truck all day! That was good. My wife has agreed that if I go out, she will take the doors(her idea!). But this month, I don't know if I can do it. April might just be my first non-reporting month. I know this will bring the hounders, but I just can't do it. My conscience is KILLING me! And I know for sure it won't let me lie on my FS report. I hate lying, and liars.

    Anyone have any ideas? It's tough to guarantee I can go out with someone and just do RVs, because. The hounded are pretty big on doing at least half RVs and half territory.

    Hell, my conscience bothers me when I go to a meeting! My wife sees how much it bothers me, I'm lucky she sort of understands and sympathies with me. I have shown her the things I don't believe and why.

  • anezthy

    I have heard that in Teocratic warfare, it's ok to lie. If you just don't want to leave the org just yet but eventually will, just make up a study at work and report that time. Who cares! Have of these monthly reports are just fluff anyway. Up to you. I wouldn't stress it.

  • cantleave

    When I was fading I used to work rural territory and do a lot of "return visits". I certainly didn't do any proper service. I used to take my tie off and go for a walk. Living in a rural area did help me.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Here's the Phony Field Service Plan I use:

    1) make sure you have some non-productive RVs between you and your wife. We have a few elderly calls who just like the fact that we show up and shoot the breeze. We've also been able to help out when they got sick/hospitalized -- really helping out actually is quite rewarding.

    2) go out only once a month - this ensures you get your couple of hours so you're not hounded for inactivity, as well as the need to call on your non-productive RVs you haven't seen in a month

    3) Starbucks- I can't emphasize enough how much time you can burn here. Buy a round for the group- they'll love you! Even better, go out to breakfast!

    4) always, always, always pre-arrange car groups with "like-minded" people who dread going out and don't mind going to Starbucks/breakfast. The last thing you want is to get stuck with a bunch of zealots going D2D trying to make converts.

    5) be creative. We personally know an elderly gentleman who moved about an hour away. Every few months we will make the trip to see him, and thats it. No literature, bible, bible talk. Well just sit and talk with him and let him tell us stories about WWII.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ya know, now that I think about it, when I stopped going out in service, no one noticed

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I remember going through that .... my conscience would no longer allow me to lie to others either .

    If you have to go out ,go to the door by yourself ,and ask any house holder, 'what do you really think of JW's coming to your door ? Would you like to know how to make them stop ? "

    Create your own entertainment ....or do what most do and just fill in an hour or two on the card and turn it in ... keeps everyone happy

    One time the service overseer was badgering me for my husbands time slip ( he never went out ) When I got tired of lying for him the overseer wouldn't accept it and kept saying 'just an hour didn't he maybe get at least an hour in ???" When I said 'Sure put an hour down for him " That made the overseer happy ..even when he KNEW it wasn't true .

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Before I left..............

    I told the Elders............

    I'm not going out in service anymore!!!!!!!!!

    And Just Stopped!!!!!!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    One time the service overseer was badgering me for my husbands time slip ( he never went out ) When I got tired of lying for him the overseer wouldn't accept it and kept saying 'just an hour didn't he maybe get at least an hour in ???" When I said 'Sure put an hour down for him " That made the overseer happy ..even when he KNEW it wasn't true .

    I'm shocked, but not, at the same time. Apparently truth isn't important. Just looks. Of course the one who's watching everything didn't put the time card requirement in his instruction manual.

  • Sapphy

    Visit the elderly or sick ones in the congregation.

    Start late finish early, take a coffee break.

    Go one step ahead of the society and start 'internet witnessing'

  • 00DAD

    Just stop. I know it seems hard to believe, but that's the simplest way.

    Then you might get the elders on your case, but there's a response to that too, a polite but firm, "No thanks. I'm fine!"

    It'll drive 'em crazy, but that is THEIR problem, not yours.

    Your biggest issue is your wife. But it sounds like you're already on the right track there. If she wants to keep going and needs a response for the nosy/elders she can say, "He's fine. Thanks."

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