As some of you who read my previous thread know, my matrix moment has passed, and I am on my way out. I am trying very hard to fade slowly in hopes that my wife will wake up, and maybe my family too.
The problem is, my conscience still works well, and I don't want to go out in if service and tell people things that I KNOW aren't true. I have felt this way for a few months, but have managed to get out once for 3 hrs each month for the past few months. This has kept the elders off of my trail for the time being. I have always hated service, since I was a kid. It is so humiliating! And I feel bad for the people I bother on their day off, and even worse for the people who seem interested!
Last month I managed to go out but not get out of the truck all day! That was good. My wife has agreed that if I go out, she will take the doors(her idea!). But this month, I don't know if I can do it. April might just be my first non-reporting month. I know this will bring the hounders, but I just can't do it. My conscience is KILLING me! And I know for sure it won't let me lie on my FS report. I hate lying, and liars.
Anyone have any ideas? It's tough to guarantee I can go out with someone and just do RVs, because. The hounded are pretty big on doing at least half RVs and half territory.
Hell, my conscience bothers me when I go to a meeting! My wife sees how much it bothers me, I'm lucky she sort of understands and sympathies with me. I have shown her the things I don't believe and why.