No can I get out of going in service?

by Captain Obvious 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondiiz

    People somehow over react when they want to fade or stop service. Maybe it depends on your elders, but I have been baptized for about 18 years and I went out the first 5 years during all that time. I got my regular yearly elder visits and whatever. I said, I didn't like going out, and just didn't do it, I did attend most of the meetings though. They can't force you, they can "encourage" you but they're not going to take you by the hand. If you don't want to go out, just stop. If they ask, tell them you never liked going out and you decided to take a break. That is not DF offence. As long as the elders believe that you believe wts is God's org and the truth, they will view you as a weak one, maybe you'll get marked as bad association and get less invites to suppers.

    Same with a fade, they can't force anyone to go to meetings, slow fade or fast fade, they will do the shepherding call on you either way. As long as you BS them, they won't df you. If you don't want to get df, don't tell anyone what you believe and as long as your wife doesn't say anything to anyone what you believe, I don't see why you just can't stop with wts over night. If you need, BS excuses for elders when they ask why you stopped, there is plenty around, from depression to being busy to health issues which are private matter.

    There are those that won't shun you no matter how irregular you are as long as you're not da/df and then there are those that will shun you for simply not being at the meetings. This includes so called friends as well as family members. Slow or fast fade will resut in similar reaction from others.

    However much you want to help family, be prepared that no one will listen and be prepared for the worse case scenario - being shunned by your own flesh and blood. This is the cult world and their reality is quite warped.

    Here's another example. My wife. I DA myself and she started going out in service more than prior to. Since I was and still am quite outspoken about wts fraud, I kept asking her how she can go preaching lies, and deceiving people about the dates and all that. Well she did read Gentile Times Reconsidered and soon after she stopped all of that, she stopped all meetings over night, and has been to one memorial since then and has been wts free for two years now. She's not df, hasn't da herself. Elders didn't come calling and she hasn't been shunned by any of her family yet. I understand why elders won't come calling on her which is obvious because of me, but they could have tried to drag her in for a kangaroo court if they wanted to - but that never happened. She hasn't been shunned by dubs on the street when she seen them and none of her family shuns her. It may depend on your elder but this is my experience.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I fully agree with diamondiiz above. Sooner or later, a fade involves going inactive for recriutment (field service). If you truly are not ready for that step, then spend an hour talking or typing awbout the truth on JWN or on the phone or properly doing the right things with the mags as Jim TX suggested. They say your ministry is your personal ministry. So there is nothing wrong with reporting one hour for any activity whatsoever where you are actually doing something proper and right with your time.

    If that still bugs you, visit a nursing home or do a chore for an elderly neighbor or some other worthwhile thing and report that time.

    Make sure to cut it down to an hour so its easier later to drop to Zero. I remember reporting a Zero for the first time- its wonderful.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Preach the real message.

    Have the litterature in your bag to back up anything you say if someone with you complains. April 15, 2012 WT should do it.

    The 'Good News' is that Jehovah is going to kill the HH if he doesn't join your church and abide by the rules supplied by the GB. Make sure the HH gets that message.

    "Yet, it is vital that people learn the truth about
    God. Why? Because only those who call “on the
    name of Jehovah” will be saved."
    Page 3

    It reminds
    us that God has not only the unlimited
    power to wipe wickedness from
    the face of the earth but also the ardent
    desire to do so
    Page 6

    Only if we truly “abhor what is wicked [and] cling to what is good” will we
    be “well fitted for the kingdom of God.”
    (Rom. 12:9; Luke 9:62) All of us, therefore,
    need to make sure that nothing in
    Satan’s world, no matter how useful or
    pleasant it may seem to be, holds us
    back from being wholehearted in caring
    for Kingdom interests
    .—2 Cor. 11:14;
    read Philippians 3:13, 14.
    Page 16

  • ziddina

    I hate to be a brat - well, not really - but here's my suggestion...

    Switch your "witnessing" style to "random" witnessing - you know, at "work", the neighbors, and so on..

    You'll notice the huge "wink", here...

    And when you DO talk to people, and especially if you do end up going door-to-door, bring up scriptures that would cause them to QUESTION what the Jehovah's Witnesses teach - especially if read in THEIR bibles, instead of your own...

    A little "anti" witnessing, as it were...

  • jwfacts

    I used to mostly go on RV's with others. When they would ask to do mine I'd say I'd done them. On the odd occassion I went door-to-door I would just say "I have the Watchtower and Awake about ..., would you like them?" No one ever did with that presentation. Since preaching is so ineffective there would only be one or two people met each morning anyway. My presentation did sometimes iritate the Witness I was with, as they knew I could do much better than that.

  • thecrushed

    I'm having the same problem. I'm having the same feelings about praying over the food, my family worship and everything really! I'ts especially hard for me to play the game with such a keen concience myself CO.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I find it pretty easy to get out of service because I have a real job and a life.

    Every time someone starts to bug me about my lack of service I just state it's so hard trying to do run my business, take care of my home and do everything else on my own that I wish someone could help so I could go. This always does the trick because either the moron I'm talking to doesn't have a clue nor live in reality land and/or preaches love but wouldn't help you if both your arms and legs fell off.

    I just turn in a "report" enough to make the big guns stay off my back, and no I've never had a problem of conscience about not going or lying about my "time".

  • tootired2care
    I'm having the same feelings about praying over the food.

    Are you prayers the kind that are interesting, or do you end up saying pretty much the same prayer for every meal like me? After so many years it's hard to keep it fresh.

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    I'm having this problem's really hard to go out and tell people things that aren't truthful...

    @OTWO: I wish my posting here could count as time...that would make life much easier for me. I'm still brain-storming how to get in sufficient time without doing much actual preaching.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious
    I'm having the same feelings about praying over the food.

    Are you prayers the kind that are interesting, or do you end up saying pretty much the same prayer for every meal like me? After so many years it's hard to keep it fresh.

    You too! I'm having trouble with this also, but have changed the prayers from "we appreciate the bOrg, and the spiritual food" and "please help us to live up to your standards" to "thanks for the food and life..... Amen".

    I can only be honest, especially in a prayer. When I study and do research, I still pray about it. That's when I get to be honest.

    So I ask the big guy to show me the TRUTH in the bible, and I find out that all the WT dogma is garbage. Side point, I know.

    I really like the advice from you guys, I really appreciate it. I know it won't be long before I will quit cold turkey, but like I said before I want to buy some time so I can get some REAL preaching done. I'm thinking if I can't get out for "pretend service" I'll just have to fake it on the ol report.

    I already know which of my friends will and won't shun me for doing what I'm doing. We have only been where we are for a year, and don't have that many friends in the hall... Probably because I'm "weak".

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