If you really really really can't 'lie' and just say that you went out for an hour or two... then, maybe you could do the following...
Take a handful of WTs and As and walk them into places like laundromats. Don't put them out where someone may pick them up and read them. Instead, tear them in half and drop them into the garbage cans that the nice folks put around for throwing away garbage.
Then count the mags as placements on your timesheet, along with a few hours that it took you to do it.
Hey. If you can't lie about it, then stretch the truth a wee bit,
If I were able to lie to myself that I actually went in service by throwing magazines away at a laundromat, I think I could reach a little further down and find the resolve to out and out lie on a piece of paper, saying I went 5 or 6 hours and placed 5 or 6 magazines.
Actually, that's what I did. I turned in quite a few false reports, just to keep em off my back. Then I quit reporting. After the third month or so of telling them no time, no placements, they quit asking.