That news report has been retracted as inaccurate. The story is false.
Well darnit, there goes that FOX NEWS again!!
by minimus 96 Replies latest jw friends
That news report has been retracted as inaccurate. The story is false.
Well darnit, there goes that FOX NEWS again!!
I'm sick of North Korea too!
Well darnit, there goes that FOX NEWS again!!
....But are they actually patrolling the area? The New Times story didn’t include comment from local authorities or any other sources that could confirm this. Its story went online with the eye-popping headline, ”Armed Neo-Nazis Now Patrolling Sanford, Say They Are ‘Prepared’ for Post-Trayvon Martin Violence.”
The story spread rapidly to other media outlets, including the New York Daily News, Gawker, The Huffington Post, Raw Story, the New York Post, Mediaite, The Blaze, The Daily Beast, Drudge and the Daily Mail.
All of them repeated the information in the Miami New Times article: Heavily armed patrols of neo-Nazis are underway. None of the articles included a comment from local police or residents.
I'm sick of swastikas.
It's about as believable that Trayvon looks like Obama's son (if he ever had one) about inciting!
Seriously Min?? A reporter at a press conference on another issue ASKED him what he thought, how exactly is that inciting anything? His one and only comment, after being asked.
Maybe you should actually watch the news report in that link Burn.
Oh hey, here's their website
Smart Presidents wouldn't go there, Ber. But Obama has a history of getting involved in business not his own.
Smart Presidents wouldn't go there
Ooops you said "smart Presidents".
Right to lifers had a lot to say as did many religions.
And I don't think President Bush ever compared her looking like him.