First off, tootiredtocare, I want to say I repect what you are saying...I hear you.
I understand that you only want the best for this country and all of its citizens.
Although I am going to disagree with some of your points, I am not against you or trying to offend you in any way.
And I hope you know and believe that I too, love our country and only want the best for its citizens.
I just see the situation differently than you do.
First off to me, institutionalized racism is what existed before Dr. King, where state mandated racism was allowed and went largly unchecked.
That is not what I meant by 'institutional racism, and that isn't was usually meant by 'institutional racism.'
It doesn't matter what color your skin is you can go as far as you want in this country.
We have certainly come a long way (Thank God), but studies show that the color of your skin does still matter in this country. Being born white is still a huge advantage in terms of hiring, housing, and with law enforcement. We still have much work to do.
We all know it exists, but hopefully as the years pass we can let the scars of the past heal and just be Americans.
Not talking about a problem, past or present, only makes it worse.
This problem is both past and present.
And you can't address the problem without talking about the problem.
Does that mean that it's good and productive to fan the flames of racial divisivness (as Sharpton & co have done) when it's really not neccessary? I submit absolutely not; it doesn't serve any purpose except to divide people, open up old wounds and keep the problem perpetuating.
Protesting for weeks the fact that a black teen was shot dead and there was no investigation is not fanning the flames of racial divisivness. That is telling the truth and fighting for justice.
They have done the right thing, not the wrong thing.
I still have not heard one convincing argument or seen any evidence that convinces me that the events leading up to this murder had anything to do with racism.
Well I just don't know what to say about that since the only thing that made Zimmerman suspect Trayvon was a suspicious asshole punk up to no good and probably on drugs was that Trayvon was walking, and black.
also, the idea that the law would have let Trayvon off with no investigation if the stuation were reversed is just unbelievable.
But if you don't see it, you don't see it.
The good thing to come out of all of this is that because of the protests, an investigation was done, and at least Trayvon's killer will now go through the justice system. That is all the protesters wanted.
Another good thing is that the Stand Your Ground laws are getting looked at.
I hope we can agree on that, and I hope you can kind of understand the perspective of the citizens on the other side of this issue, who do feel race was involved and who will speak out when they see injustice as a way to fight injustice. They love their country just like you do.
And we can all agree on fighting injustice. May we always put that principle above all media personalities.