Also, the comment was made at one point (by Phizzy I believe) that atheists and theists who are all following the golden rule, are on the same team... and this was also true.
by Fernando 191 Replies latest watchtower bible
Also, the comment was made at one point (by Phizzy I believe) that atheists and theists who are all following the golden rule, are on the same team... and this was also true.
It doesn't matter if you name the team false teachers, or the god squad----it's just a silly premise to try to lump atheists with believers as though they are working for the same goal and with similar motives and techniques. I would not even say I was on the same "team" as another believer of the golden rule, if they also believed in creation or hellfire---they could still believe in the golden rule, but it would be ridiculous to say I was in any kind of alliance with them.
It's just silly. But carry on. I have some unicorns to debunk, and I shall fight alongside staunch believers in unicorns.
Well, I believe that it was amended to 'militant' atheists. I said they were the same as 'militant' christians. Intolerance is intolerance no matter what the belief or non-belief.
I also said all peaceful people were on the same team... for peace... regardless of faith/non-faith.
So I would say that I was on the same team as someone who had the same goals as me. You don't have to be identical in every way with someone on your 'team'. Just have to have the same goal.
To atheists, theists who promote their faith are false teachers.
To theists, atheists who promote atheism are false teachers.
I am a theist.
Now, like the F&DS, metaphorical teams don't exist. They are essentially catagorizations of the mind.
The metaphorical team of false teachers can therefore include both atheists and religionists.
None need be insulted about being classified with the less desireable false teachers among us.
We can disagree if we wish, but scripture gives these amazing teams names: For example:
The For Me Team vs The Against me Team
The Gathereth in Team vs The Scatterreth Abroad Team
The Gospel Team vs The Enemies of the Gospel Team
If you are an atheist, you should be proud to be on "The Enemies of The Gospel Team"... regardless of who others see in the boat with you... and not be insulted in the least.
Thank you for clearing that up V!
None need be insulted about being classified with the less desireable false teachers among us.
I'm more amused than insulted.
If you are an atheist, you should be proud to be on "The Enemies of The Gospel Team"... regardless of who others see in the boat with you... and not be insulted in the least.
I am not insulted at all! It's a worthy team. I know you are not insulted that I put you in a boat with Zeus worshippers, psychics, and Muslims.
The Gathereth in Team vs The Scatterreth Abroad Team
The use of archaic English makes this much more powerful. It was something I always found interesting----the use of archaic English---Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed by thy name. I'm thinking there is something magical about it. But I fear that being typical modern people, this will not hold. It will probably morph into something like The Gats and The Scats. Oh well. That's unfortunate.
You are welcome NC.
BTW, I like your style.
At first, when you suggested that I would be in a boat with believers, my kneejerk reaction was "But I don't WANNA! They aren't gonna be fun, and we won't have intersting things to talk about!" and I stamped my foot. Then I remembered this true story, and changed my mind. It would be advantageous for me to be the atheist in the boat!
A Jew, A Catholic, and an atheist are rowing in Lake Erie when their boat springs a huge leak. The Jew looks skyward, and says “Oh, Adonai, if you save me, I promise I’ll sail to Israel and spend the rest of my days trying to reclaim the land you gave us.” The Catholic looks skyward, and says, “Oh, Jesus, if you save me, I promise I’ll fly to the Vatican and spend the rest of my days singing your praises.” The atheist says, “Oh, guys, if you pass me that one life preserver, I promise I’ll swim to Cleveland.” “And how will you spend the rest of your days?” the Jew and the Catholic ask. “Well,” says the atheist, “I’m not sure, but I can tell you one thing: I’ll never go rowing with other atheists.”
Hey I have one for you too. Not quite so related to the subject, but I think you'll appreciate anyway. Not everyone in the congregation I presented this to got a laugh out of it though.
An atheist slipped off the edge of a cliff. He grabs onto a root just as he begins his descent, dangling precariously over a 1000 foot drop. As his strength wains he looks to heaven and shouts, "Is anybody up there!" A voice from heaven says "Yes, I am here" "Oh great!" says the atheist, "I never believed in you, but now I do....can you help me?" Yes," says the voice, "have no fear...I will be with your hand gets tired and finally releases its hold of the root....I will be with you as you slip down the mountainside...and I will be with you as your body is crushed on the rocks below". The atheist looks up in horror and shouts',
"Is there anyone else up there?"
So God doesn't favor believers over nonbelievers! Good to know. He offers the same level of protection to both!
lol... cute.