Are religionists and atheists on the same team?

by Fernando 191 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    Funny, NC.

    I actually just appreciate the fact that my son is trying to find a way not to disrespect me, or something that I hold as important. He might joke around, but he is showing maturity and respect, and him trying shows that he is thinking about it.



  • FlyingHighNow
    And why make the assumption that Atheists think less of anyone else?

    I'm pretty sure she meant "militant athiests."

    Tec, thank you.

    New Chapter, examine this quote again, slowly this time and carefully. You skimmed it and jumped very quickly to a dramatic conclusion that was your own, not the conclusion of the originator of the quote, nor was it mine.

    All false teachers are on the same team regardless of how their beliefs differ.
    NICE! Atheists and religionists are on the same team! The False Teachers team! wooo hoooo Do we get a tshirt?

    All false teachers. You got people? Yous gonna have some frauds.

  • NewChapter

    You know Minchin is my favorite atheist performer---I was reading a list of you know you're a Minichin fan if . . .

    You randomly yell out "IT'S MATHS" when others yell 'it's a miracle'.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    So...if we feel that believers are false teachers....does that put them on the same team too?

    I think it should be t shirts all round!!!

  • NewChapter

    All false teachers. You got people? Yous gonna have some frauds.

    The OP said are religionists and atheists on the same team? V said:

    All false teachers are on the same team regardless of how their beliefs differ.

    Since this seemed to be a quick and direct answer to the OP, I don't think I jumped to any conclusions. Question asked, question answered.

    It is possible you read it differently.

    So Atheists 'teach' there is no god. Would you consider this false? How would this be taught fraudulently---there is no variation--same message over and over? Is one style of teaching it lilkely to 'lead one away' from god, while another is not?

    That's where things get weird. By asking if atheists lead as many people away from god as religionists---it really confuses motives. Atheists don't believe in a god---so that is the stand we support. Religionists DO believe in god, and so, if they are leading people away it would seem that they are the ones not reaching any goals or advancing their ideas.

    I have no driving desire to lead people away from their god concept, but I certainly encourage them to investigate that critically.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I read it that where ever it is you find a false teacher, they are all on the same team. If you stop and think about it, your conclusion makes little sense.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Or false teachers, no matter what they are teaching, because they are false teachers, they are on the same team.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that the poster meant all atheists are teachers and all religionists are teachers and they are all false and on the same team. That's not what his comment is saying.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I have to say, NC, sometimes I read quickly and draw the wrong conclusions, too. It's easy to do. Then I go back and read the comment more slowly and realize that I missed something and had a knee jerk reaction. It happens to a lot of us.

  • NewChapter

    I don't think I drew a wrong conclusion. He seemed to be answering the OP which asked if atheists and religionists are on the same team. he said all false teachers are on the same team. Religionists may teach many different versions of their god, but atheists only say one thing---there is no god. I think he was lumping atheists in with religionists and labeling them false teachers. I don't think my conclusion was unreasonable, but if V shows up again, we can ask.

    Until then . . .


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