Are religionists and atheists on the same team?

by Fernando 191 Replies latest watchtower bible


    FernandoAre religionists and atheists on the same team?’

    ‘Do they both lead people away from God? ’

    Many religious people, although believing in God spend a great deal of time trying to define God to both themselves and others. Atheists are doing the same but refuse to believe until they have clarified what is meant by God and then found proof. It’s the difference between saving up and buying something of value or obtaining it with credit to avoid waiting. People often change sides as they discover new information.

    We are all born, live as humans and we all die. None of us can be absolutely sure of our stance in this matter, or what we will end up believing. The similarities are greater than the differences. We are all seeking truth and can all help each other to broaden our perspective. Perhaps we are not on the same team, but we are on the same journey.

  • N.drew
    We are all seeking truth and can all help each other to broaden our perspective.

    I do not believe all religionists and atheists are seeking truth.

    Especially the Jehovah's Witnesses. Their religion is all about quiting seeking because they put their trust in men who they believe have the truth.

  • xchange

    Covering a few points here.

    Statistics that you can count on. Batting averages. The US Census. How many days did you work this year compared to last year. That kind of thing. Surveys and polls: not the same thing as statistics. - FHN

    Statistics can be manipulated as well. Nothing is fool proof. No census can be counted on as being 100% accurate as well.

    Comparing statistics and surveys/polls is like comparing apples to oranges anyways.

    Whether or not a scientist believes in a supernatural cause is irrelevant to the methodologies of science that are employed.

    The science speaks for itself while the scientist speaks for herself/himself.

    And a definitive no: Religionists and atheists are NOT on the same team. False equivocation.

  • Vanderhoven7

    All false teachers are on the same team regardless of how their beliefs differ.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Whether or not a scientist believes in a supernatural cause is irrelevant to the methodologies of science that are employed.
    The science speaks for itself while the scientist speaks for herself/himself.

    When you have NC claiming that the majority of scientists are atheist and using poll(s) or survey(s) to back up her claim, it has relevance.

    On statistics. My point to NC always is that how and where you get your statistics matters. Go back a page and look at what Dave Rothstein has to say about her statistics and polls and surveys.

    "Science speaks for its self." And a good point is that it does not lead a majority of them to the conclusion that there is no higher power. NC also claimed that all the BEST scientists are atheists. If you base your decision about the existence of a higher power on science, be aware that a big percent of them do not draw atheism as a conlusion to science.

    "Oh, I'm learning all about science. It makes sense. The witnesses weren't so accurate in their creation book. Hmm, a lot of scientists are atheists. That must mean science proves there is no higher power. I don't feel anything up there. To me it makes sense there is no higher power." <....I respect that, but people should know that a good half of scientists at least do believe. And as Dave Rothstein points out, the ONE survey that put only USA scientists at 60% atheist, did not give them an in between to respond to. As he pointed out, there was no way to express belief with some doubts. He does not take the poll as gospel. I don't take take polls as gospel either.

  • FlyingHighNow
    All false teachers are on the same team regardless of how their beliefs differ.



    N.drew 'I do not believe all religionists and atheists are seeking truth. Especially the Jehovah's Witnesses. Their religion is all about quiting seeking because they put their trust in men who they believe have the truth.'

    It may appear that way but many Jehovah's Witnesses are people who were susceptible to the Watchtower Society's version of truth because they were seeking truth. They joined believing they had found the truth. When the blind lead the blind they may both fall into the pit.

    I have empathy for all sincere people who are unwittingly misled by false teachers. Jehovah's Witnesses that realize they have been duped can prove they are seekers of truth by leaving and continuing their search. I know from experience that this is not always easy to do and the cost can be high. It is a test of a person’s integrity to pursuing truth regardless of where that leads.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I think the biggest liberation upon understanding that the WTBTS is a cult is that I don't have to know all the answers to all the questions. If you have to have know all the answers, then here's your sign, it says, "Control me."

  • FlyingHighNow

    The questions I am talking about are things like: "Why does God permit wickedness?" The WT says they know. I thought I needed to know and that made me vulnerable to them. Now, sometimes I still wonder about it, but I am comfortable in not knowing the answer. I can throw ideas around in my head and heart, but ulitimately, I don't have to be on a quest for the exact answer.

  • xchange

    be aware that a big percent of them do not draw atheism as a conlusion to science.

    And how do you arrive at this assigned generalized percentage value? Surely you're not using information from polls/surveys/statistics.

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