My 2 cents: I believe Jesus is divine, can also be called God. I don't believe he is the Father though because how could Jesus not know the day and the hour yet the Father could? Therefore they're different yet the same titles can be applied to them both and I feel worship can be given to them both. But Jesus is not the Father. That's the way I understand it.
One Lord - One Savior : Get Used To It
by Perry 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Where does God approve of rape?? I can't see it.
It's an old argument. I won't provide the legwork for you. It's all there plain as can be in your Old Testament. Do some googling and you will easily find how God approved of rape. I haven't done it recently but try simply entering into Google; "God approved rape" .
Perry with all due respect...those were probably the weakest and most unconvincing explanations/deflections of those texts I've ever heard. You should really try studying and thinking more. If God is the author of logic then he sure has a lousy way of communicating of his identity in a logical way, if it can't pass some basic logic checks one could argue why should he even have bothered?
Good points on the OT - let's also not forget about the genital mutilation club that he started or borrowed from the Egyptians. This is something the almighy enforced and I cringe at the thought of what it would be like in the next order under the celestial dictatorship, it will be like meetings and service every day yippee! Hey, and freewill who the hell needs it? And what will they want to mutilate next?
You are reading back to the Hebrew Scriptures from a Christian perspective. A Buddhist would come to a different conclusion. Jews would be very annoyed at the misappropriation.
Quite true- the Hebrew sciptures belong to the Jews. You don't see Jews trying to put their spin on the New Testament Gospels do you? To keep going back to ancient Hebrew texts to bolster the claims of Christianity makes the gospels look, well, not divinely authoritative.
Jesus was a Jew; and he quoted from many texts in the OT, in fact he stated certain OT texts were fullfilled in him, so Christianity and the OT are inseparable IMHO.
and he quoted from many texts in the OT
Yes he did. Thanks for reminding us that Jesus taught the Flood of Noah (that covered all the mountains) was a real event- you would think the son of god would have known that the ice in Antartica was over a million years old-
you would think the son of god would have known that the ice in Antartica was over a million
I confusing isn't it? LOL
Band on the Run
How do you know prophecy is prophecy? Would an Aztec prophecy be true? A Greek or Roman one?
You are importing Christian values. Acknowledge it. There is nothing in the Bible that proves anything. Psalm 23 means one thing to a Christian. A Jew reads it very differently. Just acknowledge that you are bringing your faith before your intellect.
No religion or atheism has ever been proved correct. It is all relative. Most of the world rejects Jesus.
There is no room for objective thought in prophecy. Look at Manson construed the Beatles' Helter Skelter. I had a very different take on it than Manson. But I suppose only Paul and JOhn knew.
Or, to get back to reality:
No Lord, No Savior, and no Jesus as you have imagined him.
Also, no end times, no new order and no rapture.
No no no. You misunderstood! Jehovah is our savoir THROUGH Jesus! It makes perfect sense.