Even if you consider yourself a moral person, would you say that you are as honest, faithful, or any different than you were as a JW?
Are Your Morals The Same As When You Were A Witness?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
Yes even as an ExJw I am still honest as I was then.
wha happened?
Less judgemental
Mine are now far superior. I no longer think it's OK for God to kill billions of Asians at Armageddon.
Band on the Run
My moral core is the same. I am less judgmental and less deferential. Since I left the Witnesses, I am an adult. Society has changed in many ways.
wha happened?
yea I was caught up in the "everything has a label" mentality. Nobady made mistakes. It was always a case where someone:
was counciling an elder
a sister wasn't acknowledging proper headship
questioning the elders
everyhting had a motive
I care more about people now.
James Brown
I didnt cheat, lie or steal when I was a witness, and I dont cheat lie or steal today.
When I was a witness, I used to eat animals.
Today I dont eat animals.
Today I think it is morally wrong for me to eat animals.
Mine are actually better. I am now trying my best to become a better person.......because it is the right thing to do......not because I am afraid of God's judgment