Did any of you attend?
Zone Overseer visit, Anthony Morris, in Canada
by Quarterback 45 Replies latest jw friends
I live in London. So no.
What ?? Am I the only Canadian on this website that attended?
Was he in Vernon ?
OK, then...since I didn't take notes, I will have to rely on Memory.
Intro by Anthony Morris: Canadians are great, Canadians rock, Canadians are easy to love.
All the workers at Bethel are Canadians are great. Blah, Blah, Blah
This talk is about endurance. Don't confuse the word about endurance, with the Bible's explanation of endurance. Quoted from Barkely's translation a scriture that defined Endurance, but cautioned that William Barkely is a tritarian, so beware of the rest of his translation work. But, this verse was ok.
We are gonna suffer if we are to pick up the Torture stake of Christ. What part of "Torture Stake" do you not understand?
Quoted some of the sufferings from brothers and sisters world wide.
Field Sevice....unless you are in a coma, you have to get your butt out there and witness. House to house the scripture says. What kind of fisher are you? One that fishes for the sport, and throws the fish in the water. Or, are you the one that fishes to feed you, and your family? Jesus, and apostles fished like they were feeding their families. We have to preach. Read Mtt 24:13 "he that endures to the end, will be saved" and then read the next verse, 14. "this goodnews must be preached in all the earth" These two scriptures were magically merged into one verse to bring out the application that unless you are preaching you are not enduring, and die at A.
He say that he is not the Judge, but somehow implied that Jah would kill you for not preaching.
I appreciated his honesty, when he said that he will not cry when the preaching work ends, he admitted that it is a hard work, and you really need Jah's Holy Spirit to do it.
Then my mind left earth for a moment, then it returns to hear him say something about Elders
They have to work at least two Sunday Field Service days a month. This is what the Canadian Branch is working on, so stay tuned you Slacking Elders
That is my perspective
Addendum, to the talk:
The GB members are concerned about the inactive. They are on dangerous ground. They should be preaching. That's why they wrote the letter at the Memorial.
Many are not marrying in the lord...that's not enduring
Many are getting an unsriptural devorce....that's not enduring
Thanks for reporting Quarterback!
I found the irony here to be amusing:"The GB members are concerned about the inactive. They are on dangerous ground. "
Yup, the GB are on dangerous ground because of the increasing amount of inactive. Will there be enough true believers giving enough money to pay for GB 2.0s vanity projects?
I heard all about it this morning------there isa great big renovation going here. Many left it yesterday to attend the zone visit hook up in London. Everyone was so excited about it--going on and on about what a down to earth bro Morris was. I felt a little vomit coming up my throat. I had to walk away.
he will not cry when the preaching work ends funny,,it is a miserable work with no joy to anyone. at least 99.9%, and no one misses the door-to-door work when leaving JWs, (okay I know a couple ex JWs did go maybe a time or two is all),of course JWs are taught then in the resurrection, they'll be going "grave to grave" to welcome these, compounded with burying bones and then a "preaching work' will have to be done then. ugh.
One CO told a group of Bethelites, when the end comes, he will be so happy to "toss his bookbag as far as it can go." All Bethelites laughed as understanding and relating to that. The CO, who was a former missionary and later became a Bethelite, eventually left JWs.
Gayle, Sounds like he tossed his bag too soon.