Zone Overseer visit, Anthony Morris, in Canada

by Quarterback 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    Field Sevice....unless you are in a coma, you have to get your butt out there and witness. House to house the scripture says. What kind of fisher are you? One that fishes for the sport, and throws the fish in the water. Or, are you the one that fishes to feed you, and your family? Jesus, and apostles fished like they were feeding their families. We have to preach.

    These supposed special talks by noted higher ups of the WTS. have always been the same rhetorical information, which is keep on

    distributing the WTS's literature, because the time of the end is vastly approaching.

    If you didn't realize or know that this talk was given today you could say it was the same talk given 50 years ago.

    The WTS. is publishing house, a religious one and its sole power and money exists by manipulating and exploiting people as their

    own sales Representatives. Simple logic has a hard time hitting some people in the face unfortunately.

    The stale fear mongering continues on until the support and the money dwindles down then most likely a new religion will spawn from this one.

    The Watchtower Corporation is on a downward spiral, only time will tell when it finally hits its bottom.

  • blondie

    Why does not turning a time slip mean a person is not preaching? Why worry about the "inactive" since judging is god's purview not his or anyone on earth.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. could be used as a shinning example of just how much you can manipulate people by using tactics of fear and provocation.

    Just tell people that their life is in jeopardy and they need to react to thwart off this terrible situation.

    Then make the following suggestion that if they make it pass this judgment, they might be worthy to live for eternity in Paradise.

    The proverbial carrot on the end of a stick.

    Thats good salesmanship

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Quarterback >>

    I appreciated his honesty, when he said that he will not cry when the preaching work ends, he admitted that it is a hard work, and you really need Jah's Holy Spirit to do it.

    You think? It's all easy street now. I wonder what his sons Jesse and Paul think of him, doing only administrative work and joining the invisible skies later on?

  • steve2

    So, like ineffectual parents, they wind up the guilt about poor behaviour and, after all the huffing and puffing, nothing changes. Inactive ones remain inactive, to be joined by growing numbers of newly inactive ones.

    This is the same old same old from way back.

    I recall a special meeting after the 1975 fiasco in which earnest brothers thumped the platform tub about the need to remain active and how we had to reach out to all the inactive ones before it was too late.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I wonder if Jesus had special words for the apostles that didn't turn in their time slips.........must be where they got the idea. Surely they wouldn't have invented that themselves....

  • Quarterback

    Hi Bats,

    Huh? The GB member has two sons? That's interesting. Are the sons obedient?

    Good point, Hoser, about that decrease in Aux Pioneers this year. There is certainly a large amount of KH buildings, and repairs going on.

  • VM44

    "House to house the scripture says."

    Rather as the Watchtower's "mistranslation of scripture" says!

    See this page about the NWT mistranslation of "house to house."

  • Quarterback

    Fascinating VM,

    We must be the only one's that hate it.

  • mP

    The depressed sister was probably locked up at home in a self imposed jail. A bit of light and walking always helps, so pioneering must be some improvement over her previous passt.

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