Zone Overseer visit, Anthony Morris, in Canada

by Quarterback 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2
    Special Assembly / 9-day

    9 days???!!! Are you sure? That's excessive even by Rutherford's "standards" of having week-long assemblies.

  • Scully

    I wouldn't attend the Zone Overseerâ„¢ visit if it was held in my own back yard.

    Those @$$holes' egos are surpassed only by their sense of entitlement. I have more respect for myself than to kowtow to a bunch of pompous self-important nobodies.

  • cedars

    Quarterback - thanks for explaining! I still think it makes a mockery of the zone overseer arrangement to have a GB member fill in for them. It would be like a member of the branch committee visiting your congregation rather than the CO! Anyway, I guess trying to make sense of Society procedures is a pointless pursuit.

    steve2 - as far as I know, it's a 3-day convention, but when you sign up to go to the event you must stay for a full 9 days either side. The local congregations are getting geared up to take delegates on tours of Dublin and on the ministry on days where there is no actual convention program.


  • steve2

    Thanks cedars. 3 days would be bad enough let alone 9 days. I guess those who qualify and sign up are devils for convention-punishment, although I should imagine Dublin would be lovely this time of the year and even a highlight beyond the convention.

  • VM44

    Anthony Morris has been immersed in Watchtower teachings his whole life.

    The only thing he is capable of doing now is promoting the Watchtower!

    What a useless, wasted life.

  • uninformed

    Scully, what a profound post!!!!!!! Brant

    Post 17539 of 17548
    Since 11/2/2001

    I wouldn't attend the Zone Overseerâ„¢ visit if it was held in my own back yard.

    Those @$$holes' egos are surpassed only by their sense of entitlement. I have more respect for myself than to kowtow to a bunch of pompous self-important nobodies.

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