I'm not a camper. I don't see the point in pretending you are homeless

by wha happened? 141 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    The "copperhead" is a different species of poisonous snake, then, I take it....

  • botchtowersociety
  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    dragons are afriad of snakes?

  • designs

    My son was hiking in the Cleveland National Forest Sunday and a nice ol rattlesnake let the group know to tread lightly.

  • ziddina
    "dragons are afriad of snakes?..." Wha Happened


    But the thought of them dropping on me out of the trees... Well....

    I like snakes, but that's not the way I'd like to find out there's a poisonous snake in the area...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    but they are all scaley like dragons

  • talesin

    Re the 'swamp angels',, I almost forgot!

    We used to leave directly from the office on Friday afternoons, and one w/end we had to wait a couple of hours for the ferry to PEI. When we arrived at the campground site, it was just dusk. It was our favorite spot; a provincial park and a wilderness site, about 200 meters from the beach. Of course, what is next to beaches? Marshes.

    We got the tent out first, and started setting it up. The pegs were hammered in, but we hadn't put up the steel centre pole (4 man, canvas tent). All of a sudden, I heard this 'humming' ..... closer, closer ... it was the skeeters. OMG,,, unbelievable - it was an huge cloud. My hubby set the Coleman lamp on the roof of our YELLOW car, and I got inside the tent, zipped it up, and held it up while he put up the outside bars. I stayed there, as I am allergic to bug bites, and swell badly.

    He unpacked the cooler, etc., and handed all to me inside the tent. When he went to take the lantern off the roof of the car, it was BLACK with skeeters, with a yellow circle where the lamp base had been sitting.

    I know what you mean about swamp angels, though it's the first time I ever heard that expression.

    Breck, that sounds so great! Wish I was there with my guitar,,, coulda had a campfire singalong. :D


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith


    We REAL campers HATE you guys!!!
    What, can't youse guys stand the sounds of silence????????????

    Geez. Take a chill pill. A couple hours of music 'round the fire while dinner's being cooked isn't the end of the world. That leaves 22 more hours of silence.

    "Real campers" indeed. I could out-camp you blindfolded.

  • botchtowersociety

    I'll have to share what happened one night camping when I took an ambien prior to going to sleep sometime. It's all been narrated to me by my wife and friends. I hold no personal recollection.

  • ziddina
    "A couple hours of music 'round the fire while dinner's being cooked isn't the end of the world...."
    "Real campers" indeed. I could out-camp you blindfolded...." Low-Key Lysmith

    Now, this is why I backpack...

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