I'm not a camper. I don't see the point in pretending you are homeless

by wha happened? 141 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX

    I've been camping a few times... before I got married to the first wife, I went camping with some friends. I had my sleepimh bag and slept outdoors, until it started raining.

    I owned a VW beetle back then, and had removed the back seat, and put plywood down. When it started raining, I took my sleeping bag, and crawled into the back of my VW, and went back to sleep.

    I also went to the coast with a couple of guys. We camped out on the beach. That was fun. Sand everywhere.

    Later, after I got married, I went with the wife to Big Bend National park a couple of times. The first time, we went down Santa Elena canyon on a raft, and spent the night about half-way through the canyon. That was fun, but I was young and dumb, and didn't know better. We all could've been killed. (Especially when we crossed over to the Mexican side of the river, where there were definite signs that someone had been there recently.)

    I haven't been camping recently, and am probably too old for camping now, anyway.


    Jim TX

  • Snoozy

    As a family we went camping in all kinds of vehicles..a army tent..then we upgraded to a "modern tent" that had a mist everytime it rained. (I wanted our old army tent back.) Then we got a pop up tent camper..then a big camper that you pulled..had everything you need including air conditioning..I think my favorite was the pop up camper.

    Today I would be afraid to go camping..too many nuts out there allowed to run free.

    Back in the late 50's and early 60's it was nice. Not too many neighbors so you felt more like you were camping..now it's like a hotel..neighbors right next to you. You can hear them snore..

    People aren't as courteous as they were then either..they didn't play their music so loud that everyone within a blocks distance can hear it. They think it's their God given right to do what ever they want.

    I can see where young folks could have a ball camping now tho..especially on a float trip weekend...if they live through it..


  • Glander

    Jim- you're never too old.

    ( never mind that statement, of course you are too old. Also, don't ever go into Mexico again unless you have given your loved ones your dental records.)

  • ohiocowboy

    When I was a kid, a few families from our Kingdom Hall would go to a little Island to camp for a couple of days. It was fun when I was younger, getting to sit by a campfire, sleep in a tent, and go fishing. When I lived in Florida, I bought an old 1963 Scotsman camper, one of those rounded bubble looking campers. I thought of all the fun trips I would take in it. Unfortunately, I never got around to taking it anywhere, and it sat in my driveway until I sold the house. The only time I used it was one night while it was parked in the driveway, I set up the stereo, lit oil lamps, had plenty of beer to drink, and my Dog and I camped for the night in it. That has been my adventures in camping-lol

    Thanks for the fun thread, and bringing back some fun memories!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    So how many are camping in Tahoe this year?

  • Dagney

    @wha: are you driving up or flying?

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.


    What about Moose LOL

    and Since I'm from NE also.......

    I've seen a Rattlesnake here before......

    And Fisher Cats... I stumbled (Lol) across one and was lucky I scared him more than me..... (they have been known to take down deer)

    And then there are the Locals like well.......... US LMAO!!!!

  • HintOfLime

    Really - camping is ok, but a little too easy.

    Now backpacking... where you're at least 12 miles from a vehical and everything you have you brought in on your back... (And the less, the better)

    That's interesting.

    - Lime

  • talesin

    lol @ Charley! No rattlers here, nor in ME, VT and NH, as far as I know ... also, the moose and big cats would be unusual (they avoid people like the plague) --- though I'm not sure what a 'Fisher cat' is?? Is that what we would call a bobcat?

    Lime -- I would LOVE to do that, and have the gear, but a bum foot, can't go anywhere. :( Some folks I know did that last weekend, and I was v. jealous.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Dagney, We're driving

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