I'm not a camper. I don't see the point in pretending you are homeless

by wha happened? 141 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    I like nature. But I like sleeping in a comfy bed and having a bathroom all to myself. And television. And a telephone.

    I wish I could go to the Lake Tahoe camping trip - I'd love to hang out until everyone goes to bed, and then go back to my hotel. Can't make it, though.

    I live in a wonderful, beautiful place. I like driving up the mountain at night to look at stars. But I don't unroll a sleeping bag and go to sleep outside - I drive back home and crawl into a real bed.

  • pontoon

    I'm a outdoorsman, but I need a really, really good reason to camp. Can't think of a good enough reason right now. Don't want to be far from a shower and flush toilet. When the Isrealites were sent camping for 40 years it was a PUNISHMENT

  • rebel8

    The closest I would come would be to stay in a cabin that has locks on all the windows and doors, indoor plumbing, a kitchen, comfortable beds, cell phone reception and hot water. And then spending the days/evenings outdoors.

    Tenting just sucks. Sleeping on the wet, uneven ground with roots under your back and only a thin piece of fabric between your sleeping bag and the ground, wild animals or people can get at you and your food, safety and comfort is a swim or a hike away, pooping in the woods, bleeding bugbites, body odor and no makeup...no thanks. Been there, done that, during a summer frost.

    Also did the campground thing several times--I cannot imagine many worse ways to spend one's time.

    Cold showers in bathing suits and flip flops, assembly hall B.O. + cheap industrial cleanser stench, poor lighting and a frappe of germy used shower water filling the whole bathroom floor. Then you get the joy of spending 2 hours to build a fire and cook canned beans in the open while bugs and leaves fall in your food.

    Good times.

  • 00DAD

    WH, There's no talking someone into liking something they don't.

    When my wife and I camp we eat better than most people do in their own homes, but hey, it's not for everyone, so .....

    You and your wifey are welcome to come over for dinner at our HOME. We'll cook in our KITCHEN and eat with REAL PLATES, KNIVES AND FORKS.

    We have a nice patio but since that might be "too outdoorsy" for you we can eat inside!!!!


  • mrsjones5

    I've always liked camping since I was a child when my parents took us to such spots as Yosemite and the Grand Canyon. I've gone camping with my kids' scout troops in tents, platform tents and cabins. Always had a good time. My family and I love Tahoe, so we don't mind semi roughing it. It does help have a nice tent, cozy sleeping bags, comfy air mattresses, and a potty (there's no way I'm betting on making it to the restroom a few hundred feet away in the middle of the night).

  • talesin

    wha, I hear ya, but if you pack the cooler properly, there's no salmonella. :)) I HATED camping (yes, assembly camping once did it for me).

    When I got married, my ex was all good to go camping for our honeymoon. HUH? But, but, but,, what about my blow dryer? How will I wash my hair? It's cold and damp!

    So, we made a compromise - first week, camping, and if I didn't like it, week two would be spent in luxury hotels. Well, after the first week, I was in love with it! My ex had been camping all his life, and he did it up right! Canvas 4-man tent -- we would like a Coleman lamp, placed on the cooler, for about 15 minutes before retiring to a cozy, dry tent. Organized cooler with a drain hole, so when the ice melted, you could easily drain it. No pre-mixed salads. Butter, milk, etc. will keep fresh for at least a week with a good cooler, and replenished ice. blah, blah blah ... but it opened me up to some awesome adventures.

    Special note to Dagney and others who find it hurts their back and/or don't like the cold ground --- ME TOO! You can buy a roll-up 'bubble pad' that is 6'x3', and it not only provides a great cushion for your back, but also insulates from the cold ground. They are very inexpensive (abt $10), and really work well.

    Oh, and bring a tarp! If it rains, all you do is tie the tarp to some trees,,,, drag the picnic table under the tarp, and you can sit up till the wee hours playing cards or whatever, nice and dry, with the rain all around.

    Also, always, always, pitch your tent on a higher ground, and preferable under a tree, so that if you want to 'sleep in' a bit, the tent doesn't become unbearably hot with the sunrise.



  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    all this is so easily resolved by just staying indoors. I'll hang out at the campsite during the day and into the evening. But then it's time to go to my room and wash all the smoke off me

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You can stay indoors every day of every week of every season, Wha.

    Some of the best NZ campsites just wouldn't work with your plan. There is no room within a sensible driving distance.

    We never sleep on the ground. We always use stretchers or inflatable mattresses.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Not a camper, hate it. The closest I'll get to camping is a caravan, RV or cabin.

    I'd rather have a comfortable bed off the ground with a proper toilet and shower.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Let me know next time you go camping BP ...you're my kind of camping buddy.....

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