cowboy films.

by bigmac 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    As long as we are slipping into TV series - my personal favorite favorite - EVER - was Paladin. (Have Gun Will Travel).

    Sort of a Shakespearian Cowboy morality play with an un-erring gunslinger who played Chess instead of Poker and drank Cognac instead of Whisky.

    Not surprisingly, it was done by Gene Roddenberry before the classic Star Trek - which was also something of a cowboy show if you think about it.

    Richard Boone was reported to have been bored with the character, but nobody else could have played it.

  • Cameron_Don
  • talesin

    j_w -- I loved Paladin when I was a kid!

  • james_woods

    I knew there was a reason I liked you, Talesin.

    Remember the one where he rescued the kid, made friends with the schoolteacher, (made the kid take a bath and go to school), and killed the bad guy?

    The kid was looking through a bullet hole in the one room school to see him ride away on the black horse into the sunset.

    My kind of cowboy.

  • pontoon

    Scalphunters, Burt Lancaster, Telly Savalas, Shelly Winters was a good one, not my favorite but a good one

  • talesin

    tks, that was a nice thing to say. :))

    No, I am really bad at remembering TV episodes and movies, unless I've watched them over and over. I do have a clear picture of him in my mind, though, and remember looking forward to "Have Gun, Will Travel" every week.


  • james_woods
    I do have a clear picture of him in my mind, though, and remember looking forward to "Have Gun, Will Travel" every week.

    It came on right after Gunsmoke (Saturday night) in Oklahoma City where I was as a kid. 30 minutes, black and white, and all the other kids I knew liked Matt Dillon better than the mysterious Paladin.

    My grandmother gave me a little kids gunbelt with the big .44 and the little hideout derringer for christmas when I as about 9 or 10 - I really don't know where she found it.

    But I guess she knew that he was my favorite.

  • gymbob

    Tombstone has so many great lines...'I'm your huckleberry...that's just my game." :)

  • james_woods
    Tombstone has so many great lines...'I'm your huckleberry...that's just my game." :)

    Keep watching the classics. There are better than that.

  • gymbob

    "That's bold statement for a one-eyed fat man." :)

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