by TR 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel


    : Isn't "benevolent dictator" a contradiction in terms?

    I already said that in this thread. I used the word "oxymoron" which has a whole bunch less letters than "benovalent dictator." I'm sort of an economy guy when it comes to words. Less is good.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    One other thing.
    Everyone who had ever offended or rejected me would be sent to a special camp and broken in body ,spirit and then shot
    All those kids in school who called me a "pommy bastard".
    Oh how they would rue those words as the electric shocks hit their genitals.
    And that teacher! he would be an empty shell of a man by the time my "retrainers" got finished with him, and his mother,children and pet parakeet .
    MUh-a HAHAHA.

    Refiner-"long memory" class.

  • Naeblis

    Great. More Republicans.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I'd vote for you in a nano-second, however I think Dictators need to "take over" a government, they're not elected. Let me know if you're forming an army.

  • CoolBreeze

    Puleeeeze TR, I didn't realize what an uptight republican you were! Your dictatorship sounds a lot like the Holy Roman Empire.

    Order drug abusers to intensive rehab- then if they "choose" to reoffend: OFF with their heads!
    "DRUG ABUSE" is a subjective term. One persons "RESPONSIBLE USE" is another persons "ABUSE"


  • TR


    Great. More Republicans.
    Why, thank you!

    Did I mention pedophiles? OFF with their heads! Both of them.

    Oh yeah, gang bangers. Now, these are usually troubled youth with shit for parents, or no good parental guidance at all. They will be forced to undergo indoctrination into the fine art of being an upstanding and productive citizen. If they fuck up after that, OFF with their heads!


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire
    OFF with their heads!

    I agree with ya brother, I think, in practise, youd find the entire population would wind up chopped, but, what the hell? Too many people in the world anyway.

    Really though,One thing i dont agree with is your abortion position,I think anyone wants one, thats their business.

  • Naeblis

    Looks like someone said "OFF with your head!" to you long time ago. :) Enjoy your delusions though. :)

  • TR


    Yeah, I've been out of my mind for years now.


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • Valis

    TR, perhaps you'll make Fredall your Vice Benevolent Dictator and move the JWs into the National Cathedral as well....since you've outlawed prostitution, you'll have to make him give you the cigar treatment, as interns no longer have jobs...then he'll get pregnant and have to claim you raped him to get rid of the next Damian....tsk tsk....sounds like you want to live in bizaaro land..perhaps you should have outlawed problem assholes in your fantasy land I forgot, you would have to rid us of the GOP...just dreaming a little dream...hehehe..a paradise on earth no less.


    District Overbeer

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