This Weeks Watchtower Lesson- Approaching your spouse

by stuckinamovement 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinamovement

    Scene: A man and his wife talking before they prepare their watchtower study together.

    Me: Sweetheart, I love you so much. Let me ask you something though.

    Her: Ok sure babe.

    Me: Hypothetically say I was an abusive husband....

    Her: Your not though.

    Me: I know, but just hypothetically if I was an abusive husband and I hit you what would you do?

    Her: I would take the kids and leave you.

    Me: Understandable, but how would you react if "Elders Wife" came over afterwards, and listened to you describe how I had hit you and how you were crushed about it, and she said- "Wifes-Name". " put some makeup on those bruises. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Who is trying to act like a Christian here, you or your husband? What you need to do is be more submissive, lovable, peaceable, and long suffering." Give him reasons to not hit you. Try not to make any points that will get him angry. It might take 5,10, 15 or 17 years but he will come around and see that you are something special."

    Her: That's crazy. I would tell her to leave and then I would leave you. Who would be that stupid to give advice to stay with an abusive husband? There is no excuse to stay with someone who hits you.

    Me: I agree, let's start our Watchtower.

  • 00DAD

    SIAM, You must be an apostate. How dare you disagree with the "Faithful and Discreet Slave tm "!

    BTW, how did your wife enjoy the article?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    she kicked his ass over it

  • stuckinamovement

    00DAD- we haven't done it yet. This is my script for the study tomorrow night. Knowing my wife this is pretty much how it will go.


  • cedars

    SIAM - you HAVE to let us know how it goes! I agree with you, that's a great way to broach the subject if your in the habit of studying the Watchtower with your wife, and your wife is still "in".


  • 00DAD

    SIAM, I thought your wife was pretty much on the same page as you already!?!

    Didn't she help you write your Open Letter to the GB?

  • 00DAD

    The WT subtext is that ALL JWs should stay within the abusive relationship of the organization.

  • Kojack57

    Siam: When I downloaded that artical 2-3 months back I showed that paragraph to my daughter and she was surprised they would put that in there.

    But as we all know Most jdubs will hardly even notice it. Some sisters will notice it and keep quiet because what the G.B. tells them is ultimate gospel.

    Sad very sad. But on the bright side, I hope your study is productive with her and it goes as you envisioned it.


  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb


    The horrid thing is every witless woman would answer the way you've stated above but then study the article and either gloss right over the "you're an evil un-submissive woman if you don't like, or just take, your beatings from your a-hole husband" or give a totally different answer afterwards.

  • dontplaceliterature

    Great post, SIAM!

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