This Weeks Watchtower Lesson- Approaching your spouse

by stuckinamovement 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OnTheWayOut

    Oh I can hope my wife sees the stupidity of the article. I tried to point it out about a month or more ago.

    She gets into automatic defense mode. Oh the frustration.

  • biometrics

    Which Watchtower is it in? My wife needs to read this one.

  • jamiebowers

    Her: That's crazy. I would tell her to leave and then I would leave you. Who would be that stupid to give advice to stay with an abusive husband? There is no excuse to stay with someone who hits


    How I wish the Watchtower didn't insist on me staying with an abusive jw husband who was threatening to kill me. I refused and lost my home, most of my possessions, and my family. Too bad I couldn't tell your wife my story.

  • stuckinamovement

    Biometrics. This is the 2/15/12 wt- last study article. It will be studied this weekend


  • Quarterback

    This is another crazy experience that is way out. I can't believe the Writing Committee allowed this one to go through. What good will it accomplish?

    I know we have commented on this article many times, and again it still agitates me. It encourages physical abuse of women and sanctions it.

    It has a subtle message. I will really have to bite my lip this Sunday when we approach that paragraph.

  • biometrics

    I think I'll go to the meeting this w/e and answer up:-

    A loving christian wife may be able to sway her unbeleving mate by consitent good example. Even if this means she suffers years of physical abuse in an unloving environment. We can thank the slave for this timely advice. This is another example of how we are 'no part of this world' as worldy women would contact police and start divorce proceedings.

  • WTWizard

    For a man to hit a woman, except in self defense or to defend an innocent person, is simply inexcusable. For a religion to encourage men to hit their wives solely to beat them into submission is beyond inexcusable--this is a blatant HATE CRIME! I hope this does what the "mentally diseased" rubbish started and gets the law enforcement down on this cancer.

    And what is this rubbish that women are second class citizens to be abused by their husbands in the first place? I know that it is in the LIE-ble that women are supposed to be submissive to their husbands, and that they are not to speak out. (The Quran is just as reprehensible, with face veils and rules restricting women traveling in place in many Muslim countries.) But hitting a woman simply to beat her into submission should be enough to drive people right out of the religion, even if they are threatened with hell or death and Gehenna. Hopefully, as people wake up with the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, this rubbish will not be tolerated. If Christi-SCAM-ity wants to survive, they need to do much better than that, or they are going to drive people straight to Satan. (At least he treats women as valuable beings, individuals, and with great respect. That is more than can be said about Jehovah.)

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Wishing you well with your Family Worship.

    I don't know your wife, but the "I'm puzzled/disturbed" approach usually works better than "This is B***Sh**!"

    Keep the "I'm puzzled" demeanor and you might get good mileage out of this WT lesson.


  • Fernando

    Hey biometrics!

    Love it! I dare you - I have a gut feel at least one woman will secretly react to that slap and start waking up. As for the rest maybe some of their husbands will slap sense into them...

    Of course I'm ranting against the Pharisees' kingdom and not the women trapped in it.

  • 00DAD

    SIAM, So how did your study go with your wife? As predicted or any surprises?

    What was the response at the local congregation?


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