hope it went better than mine. she just got the glazed look and didn't say anything
This Weeks Watchtower Lesson- Approaching your spouse
by stuckinamovement 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
My wife's reaction was pretty surprising. She did say " I can't believe they used that example". I caught her reading paragraph 12 about three times during the study. The ride home not much was said about it, aside from my comment that this can't be Gods org if they encourage an abused wife to stay with her abuser.
One sister made the comment during the meeting that this treatment was a blessing. Because it gave Selma a chance to develop Christian qualities. Funny enough is this sister is supposedly annointed and goes around with a holier than thou attitude.
Would you women please shut up? There are men talking here. Thanks!
SIAM: The ride home not much was said about it, aside from my comment that this can't be Gods org if they encourage an abused wife to stay with her abuser.
Exactly! Give the little lady a prize!!!!