Grandiose delusions
This is making the witness email rounds...Anyone believe them?
by Botzwana 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yan Bibiyan
Here is one more:
A home invasion in progress. Little old sister sees the intruders that have just broken into her house and shouts "Acts 2:38". Criminals freeze and are led away in handcuffs by the police shortly thereafter. When asked why they didn't run, they said the lady had shouted:
"I have an axe and two 38's".
Wow, wasn't that Jehovah's work in action, brothers?
Barf. Again.
So for every divine intervention there are the thousands of heartbreaking stories of Witnesses who die from terrible disease, unforeseen accidents or violence. Must be those JW blinders in full swing. Idiots.
what about the serial killer who got called on by a little frail old sister on her own? when the police eventually arrested him they asked why the the little old sister wasn't one of his next victims? he replied she had 2 big guys with her!
jwfacts,4027238 has a link regarding the kingdom hall bombing in Australia. I personally know a few of the people at that hall, which included a few bethelites. One beautful sister from bethel had her face badly scarred and became very self conscious about it. One brother died in the explosion and many were injured.
If it was God that tipped the bomb backwards, (rather than just a poorly designed and placed bomb), he didn't do a very good job about it. If God really did something and this really was a "miracle" as Brother Mouritz stated in the article, God could have just prevented the bomb from going off at all, or at least protected everyone.
Found Sheep
well I'd say exagerations, and ya sometimes odd things happen to all sorts of people....
It makes me sick to hear of those made up lies they spew, to keep the kool aid drinkers thinking they are in God's favor. Again this is another method to keep them motivated to sell books and magazines. Direct from the top down.
wha happened?
Yea I say bullshit. Some of these I heard when was studying back in the late 80's
wha happened?
well there's never an actual location or persons cited
...yet to be fair, this kind of petty-minded "miracle testimony" is the limp, self-focusedbread and butter of many religious groups. I have a work colleague who identifies herself as a "born again" Christian - she is as far removed from the JW mindset as chalk is from cheese - even so, she has been known to declare that "the Lord" ensures she gets a parking lot within minutes when she travels into the parking-lot starved city.
Anyone who believes in this type of small scale tripe in a world of tragedy and trauma deserves the bullshit highway they've embarked upon, JW or not.