funny that they never tell you about the massive costs world wide of the rectification work on Kingdum halls/Ass'embly Halls and Branches because of the terrible , shoddy workmanship that sees subsidence,cracks, leaks etc left on these projects, or the stand up rows, drunkenness and almost full blown violence by the loving "brothers"
This is making the witness email rounds...Anyone believe them?
by Botzwana 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Anyone believe them ? I don't even believe anyone could actually be called Spangenberg, so I never got past the C.O's name.
As already mentioned this shit was doing the rounds before email was even invented. ( Email will probably be viewed as a miracle of God for helping to spread this bullshit too)
Item 1 happened to a close personal friend of my family. His name was David Winder and as far as JW go he really is a genuine nice bloke. He was just lucky that there was an open area beneath the stage to take the initial explosive force that then pushed the stage and David into the roof of the hall. Poor Davids legs were crushed from the blast and its astounding (not a miracle) that he survived at all but thanks to good doctors he survived and can walk still. Another of my ex-friends was sitting in the second row and she is deaf in one ear from the blast.
Having spent 20 years installing alarm systems on kingdom halls i think the biggest miracle is that god didnt strike the friggen dumbarse elder who went to the hall after the alarm had gone off and didnt check the zone that had been alarmed and see the access hatch to beneath the stage had been forced open , shine a torch in and see the bomb??????????? You dont ignore alarms! 101 in common sense jeez
Anyways for all the shit stories of god interveining to save a few bucks here and there what about all the bad that happens to "good" jws?
The kingdom hall in Korea that was fire bombed when the meeting was on and many died.
A congregation in spain returning from DA when their bus crashed into a ravine killing 40+.
How utterly naive have the JW become? WW2 Nazi soldiers had "God is with us" on their belts but did they? Just because spurious shit is spread by the week minded doesnt confirm god is with them. Quite frankly i dont want to be associated with anyone human or supernatural that allows innocents to suffer when they have the power to change this. Child abuse of the grandest scale and thats why i will never get involved in any religion again!
If this makes me an enemy of god well so be it! i at least when its in the power of my hand to do good to others i do it. whats wrong with him then?
i cannot reconcile the lies the jw have spread.
Wow i think i will get of my soapbox!
On a brighter note tomorrow is my first blood donation visit so im looking forward to helping others.
Well put Azazel ! I feel exactly as you do, let's channel our anger in to exposing the WT scam, in all its dishonesty.
Well done with the blood donation too, I went for the 5th time last week, the nurse said I delivered the blood really quickly, so I said "I always was a bit of a bleeder", I bet she's not heard that one before.
We can now donate every 12 weeks here in the U.K, it was 16, so I'll be going more often.
Aussie Oz
every religion can trot out similar tales as proof of Gods blessing/hand.
The JWs lap it coz they think they are special...
If it was God that tipped the bomb backwards, (rather than just a poorly designed and placed bomb), he didn't do a very good job about it. If God really did something and this really was a "miracle" as Brother Mouritz stated in the article, God could have just prevented the bomb from going off at all, or at least protected everyone.
@jwfacts: What are you talking about? It is so VERY obvious that the ones who were hurt were not pioneering or"putting God first". They likely missed the meeting the day before. God tipped the bomb to assist only those who were most faithful to the organization and "slave". There.....mystery solved. :P
1. The bomb ....was meant to kill everyone....
But screw that one guy, probably an apostate.
2. Brooklyn.....a large tree was inconveniently located in the center of the parking lot.
Jehovah focuses on "inconveniently located" trees in the parking lot and doesn't give a rat's ass about heathen children in Indonesia or Haiti. NICE!3. "'Hall'!? I told you to go to the 'mall!'"
Total BS!4. The brothers were building a 2-day project, and were short of roof trusses.
Why does Jehovah let these guys start without calculating the cost? What a bunch of Bozos.5. A storm came up and washed the sand from the priest's' land to where it was available to the friends.
Total BS!
6. In Poland..... a bolt of lightning killed the middle brother. .....He was not a brother, but an impostor, planning to turn this
list over to the police!Total BS designed to make you think Jehovah will deal with the apostates, maybe with lightning. JW's love Jehovah of the Old Testament and His bloodthirsty ways.
7. ....The brother asked him what the roadblocks were for. The policeman replied, "Oh, those Jehovah's Witnesses try to get through with their literature and this is set up to stop them."
Total BS designed to make members think Satan is persecuting them for delivering the truth.
Jehovah focuses on "inconveniently located" trees in the parking lot and doesn't give a rat's ass about heathen children in Indonesia or Haiti. NICE!
Enough said!
RE that Bulldozer story: How would a worldly bulldozer driver inadvertantly go to a Kingdom "Hall" under construction because the word sounds like "Mall"? The building was under construction, so it would be highly unlikely they'd have a sign up. That's usually a final touch. Also, this would require the driver to have at least some familiarity with the word 'Hall' as short for Kingdom Hall, otherwise he'd never make such an association.
These stories bring up the question as to how closely God (assuming there is one for a moment) would be in human affairs. As many comments have already pointed out, it means God picks and chooses whom to assist and whom to seemingly ignore.
And also as mentioned, such stories are not the sole domain of JWs. I'm reminded of news of plane crashes where survivors will say stuff like 'God must have some purpose for me' while people died all around them. Makes no sense.
Billions of people around the world for centuries woke up and wake up every day after a good night of sleep ... that's a TRUE miracle too. Here in Houston almost 5 people gets kill everyday, which means that for the other 2+ million people thanks God we are "m iraculously" safe/spared.
It is always good to see that people don't get killed in any accidents, but this HAPPENS ALL AROUND THE WORLD EVERY MINUTE OF THE DAY, whether you are black or white, Hindu, Catholic, Buddhist, JWs, Mormon, rapist, murderer, thieve, liar ... I myself have had close calls BUT it is not because you belong to a certain protected group by "God". God is good to EVERYBODY, but JWs believe that they are SO SPECIAL and good things only happen to them ... LOL!!! What I like about being a Christian now is that I know that God LOVES YOU HIS CREATION ...
The LORD is good to all,
And His mercies are over all His works ( Psalm 145:9 ).