Did U Ever "Stumble" Anyone? Were U Ever "Stumbled: By Another?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Jesus stumbled some who listened to his words and wrongly concluded that he was espousing eating flesh and blood. Those hearers were stumbled.

  • youngbro

    Heh, I have stumbled a few by my being honest about how some elders really are.

  • minimus

    JWN stumbles me, especially Simon.

  • Iamallcool

    Rick Fearon never stumbles me

  • 00DAD

    Amelia, I didn't mean to be insensitive to you or anyone else that has or is being mistreated by self-righteous hypocrites in the organization.

    But note that you said you "got stumbled all the way out the troof by a corrupt elder".

    The scripture I referenced is interesting for several reasons. So many JWs are quick to by hypersensitive to the shortcomings or faults of others and play the "I'm stumbled" card when what they really should be doing is either minding their own business or helping someone out when they make a mistake or fall themselves.

    On the other hand, those in authority (elders and in particular the GB members) often turn this around when a person points out their HYPOCRISY and CORRUPTION and blames the victim saying stupid stuff like:

    • Wait on Jehovah
    • Holy Spirit will take care of it
    • This is STILL Jehovah's Organization
    • Murmurers will die at Armageddon. Remember Korah
    • YOU must be spiritually weak if YOU allow the faults of others to stumble YOU!

    In every case, YOU lose and THE ORGANIZATION wins!

  • Iamallcool

    Good Points, 00Dad!

  • ziddina

    Did I ever "stumble" someone? Well, I damn well hope that I did! "Tripping" someone out of this cult sounds like a good idea to me!

    Was I ever "stumbled"? Hell yes, by my own rotten, vicious parents.

    I'm GLAD that they "stumbled" me, by showing how nasty, abusive, hurtful and hateful they really were - in effect, exposing the impotence of the cult's claim that they had "Christian Love" ™ inside the cult and claiming that the 'world' was woefully lacking in love in comparison to the cult.

    I shudder to think what my fate would have been, if my parents had been loving and good and kind to me. I might NEVER have left the cult!!


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I saw this use of the word, "stumbled", to mean, anything that an elder doesn't want u to do, is cause for stumbling. i.e. When my wife left, I was stripped of any responsibilities because due to the sensitive nature of some of the publishers, I shouldn't be holding any position in the congregation, basically because my ex wife decided to go have sex whomever she wanted

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    I got stumbled all the way out the troof by a corrupt elder.

    Lucky blighter!

    I wish someone had done that to me. About 50 years ago.


  • time2keepmoving

    How can you stumble someone when its all a big fraud.

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