"If you feel down in the Kingdom Hall parking lot, would you remain on your back forever?"
True Jehovah's Witnesses don't fall down on the Kingdom Hall parking lot and lie down forever, your brothers run to lend a helping hand, they shake the dust off your garb and apply ointment on the area of pain.
Impossible for anyone to be overlooked in our brotherhood, highly unlikely for a thoughtless and speeding car to crush, drive in reverse over her or side swipe, the tripped (stumbled) sister, it's her fault; we tried our best to put some wind under her sail, our arm is still numb from holding it out to her. Is it really possible our sister could be overlooked by the "friends" and men of appointment, impossible!
The illustration does not take into account all the victims of bad people who want to stop our sister from attending the Meetings. They aim for her hip, meeting after meeting, in expectation she will not get up, and bother their enlightened coterie and for all.