How do you feel about the treatment?
How Does Your Family/ Friends Treat You Now That You Are Not A True Believer?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
They treat me like I left them. They are sad because they view me as dead already. Fact is, I've tried to include them but they won't do anything with us. They won't even watch the boys in their baseball, basketball or football games. "We have left J_____ and they must stick close to their father." Direct quote from mom.
How do I feel? At first, sad. Then I was mad. Now I simply don't care. I don't want their poisonous attitudes around my boys. Until THEY change, they will reap the consequences from being in a cult.
Hi minimus!!! Well first off most of my real GOOD friends are NOT Jehovah witnesses, but are of the pagan persuasion, I say pagan in jest, because that is how we were taught by the BORG. I really view them as better Christians than jdubs. They make better friends because they don't judge you like jdubs do. As a fader, if I see a jdub they do speak to me and we hold pleasant converstions, but I can take it or leave it, it doesn't matter to me even if they don't speak.
My family members know how I feel about the BORG but amazingly they still talk to me. They just keep some distance from me and from time to time we talk. Hopefully, one day I can help them out of this destructive CULT.
With joy, and great relief!
I don't have any family in, but my friends don't even know that I no longer believe. Even before I realized I didn't believe, some were simply avoiding me. I guess they picked up on something, and like scared little rabbits, ran to hide. One friend who had been especially close, didn't like some things I was saying (I could argue, that at the time, I was not questioning the org, or the bible, but simply having a lot of struggles) and she completely cut me off. No explanation. I got that later from a mutual friend.
SO---if someone was willing to dismiss me because I was having a very difficult time, it's no surprise that the rest have gone away. And how do I feeL? Good riddance. Life is short. Conditional friends that also happen to be robots that take their orders from unseen but revered psychopaths somewhere in Brooklyn, Patterson, whatever, aren't worth getting upset over anymore.
It is sad when "loved ones" treat you either like sh*t or as a dead person.
I don't see a lot of the extended family any more, they do not invite me to anything. Though my official position is merely inactive, not DF or DA or anything.
They have been told to view me as a spiritual danger I think.
The close family treat me kinda O.K in a way, but there is a coolness, a "distance", and they only contact me about "vital family business".
I don't feel bitter toward any of them for this, I know their minds and hearts are controlled by an American religious cult.
..... the only sibling that I have left, seems to have shut the door.
clarity ..........
They shunned us when hubbie was an elder and I was a pioneer, so what's different now.
I've been out over 40 years and my niece only contacts me when it's vital family business. Wasn't DF or DA she's the last family member. It really doesn't bother me it's her loss. It's a miserable religion a real loser. Being around JW's is no different to me then being around Mormons, or scientogists, or born agains. Just nonsense need to hang out with dummies.