SHHHHHH, they don't know yet.
How Does Your Family/ Friends Treat You Now That You Are Not A True Believer?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
Aside from perhaps my parents and one of my sisters - most of my active JW relatives either shun me or treat me like poo-poo. ( Shrugs shoulders ) Oh well, it's their loss . How I see it
I am a second class citizen. 5/8 of a human being. It feels like a Civil Rights issue to me.
That's a good way to look at it flipper.
Well they're not shunning me, except for the momster, but that has nothing to do with the JW org.
They are however very careful with what they say around me. They don't pressure me to go back or say "The end is near, I'll miss you not being there" and all that jazz, but they are somewhat stand-offish when I present facts and truths about their chosen religion.
Other than that, it's all right. I am respectful of their life style, and in return they are of mine. I actually have a couple of JW Facebook friends, and the same thing goes, we don't bring it up, we don't try to convince each other.
I haven't made it official yet...but my sibblings know. My elderly mom may not yet know but the last time she called she only spoke to my wife who is still active. I just found out that they are all planning to visit us in the next few months. They all live 300 miles away and they will be staying in our home for a few days. My wife's JW relatives have also said they may come and visit...So I don't pray before meals and I won't go the the meetings with them...I'm sure that will shock some of them since I was probably to most active JW of the bunch.
My parents told me I'm dead. as a matter of fact, my psycho mother even said I am dead in an online profile of hers. I stumbled across it one day. Here's a look at how she feels about/treats me...Straight from her online profile :
Yeah, well, my dear nephew Time Bandit, notice my sister and your mother has a zero star rating?
TIME BANDIT- My heart goes out to you my friend. My adult son Flipper junior ( aged 27 ) , his JW mom, my ex treats him the same way like he's dead to her. It's disgusting. We are with you dear friend
@FlyingHighNow : Yep, and I bet the quality of her life and all the fibers of her being would get a zero star rating too.
@flipper : Thanks my friend. I'm sorry your son is getting a raw deal concerning his JW mother. Ya know what, flipper jr has an awesome dad. I've seen pictures of you and your son out camping and it looks like you two get along pretty great. I wish I had a dad like you buddy.
So many of us have it really tough because of shunning. I wish I could give all of you a big bear hug and drink beer together.