Alteration in the German Watchtower about spousal physical abuse

by slimboyfat 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • designs

    You wonder if Elders are reporting more physical abuse among JWs in certain countries. It is sort of a perverse why of telling JW women to hang in there things will get better. Denominations that employ modern marital counseling to their members would certainly not encourage a woman to stay in a marriage and get hit.

  • blondie

    How did the WTS react to these changes in Europe? Notice that the WTS says discipline = spanking (highlights mine)

    *** g79 6/22 p. 29 Watching the World ***Sweden Defies Ancient Standards

    Instead of mothers’ tender care, new baby Swedes may now receive well-meant but perhaps rougher handling by their fathers for the first eight months. Sweden’s government has offered fathers the option of staying home to care for their infants at 90 percent salary while mother goes to work. Thousands of fathers have responded to the invitation.

    Also, the Swedish Parliament recently voted overwhelmingly to prohibit parents from spanking their children or subjecting them to any other so-called “humiliating treatment.” The Ministry of Justice is said to be planning an information campaign that will include distributing videotapes that inform children about their rights. Then how are parents to discipline? Though warning against physical punishment, a government pamphlet for parents says: “Of course, you have the right as a parent to get angry and show it.”

    *** g80 4/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***Discipline Disarmed

    On January 1, the Federal Republic of Germany joined Swedenin restricting parents’ authority to discipline their children. (See Awake!, 6/22/79, p. 29.) Parents are forbidden to use “degrading upbringing measures,” such as spanking, when children disobey. The little ones can take parents to Family Court if they should violate the new law. The government argues that children lose their “human dignity” when they are spanked. However, under the new law, “human dignity” may well be replaced with childish arrogance.

    If spanking is ok why is is illegal in so many countries?

    spanking is a violent act, it's child abuse.

    these are the countries where it is illegal:
    Sweden- illegal since 1979
    Norway - illegal since 1983
    Finland - illegal
    Denmark - illegal
    Italy - illegal since 2000
    Israel - illegal since 2000
    Spain - illegal since 2007
    Portugal - illegal since 2007
    Chile - illegal since 2007
    Uruguay - illegal since 2007
    Venezuela - illegal since 2007
    Canada - restricted since 2004.
    Romania - illegal
    Bulgaria - illegal
    Cyprus - illegal
    Greece - illegal
    Germany - illegal since 2000
    New Zealand - illegal since 2007
    Austria - illegal since 1989
    Iceland - illegal
    Ukraine - illegal
    Hungary - illegal
    Netherlands - illegal since 2007

  • BluesBrother

    Are they translated in Germany? Or in N Y ?

    There must be a reasonable number German mags delivered to USA congregations for German-speaking dubs . We are dealing with the language, not the country...

  • Magi

    Thanks blondie for the info. Does anyone have a rough translation of a watchtower in another language when an American issue talks about not sparing the rod. Not sure what the latest issue on that would be in, but just curious. I wonder if they even talk about spanking or just replace the article entirely with, oh lets say, sewing or baking a cake.

  • panhandlegirl

    Why would the Wt writers think spousal abuse is ok to mention to an American audience but not in other countries. Very strange.

    Designs, this was my thought also. It betrays a negative concept of both American women and men. It encourages low self esteem in JW women and promotes the feeling that they themselves are to blame for

    being beaten. The writers also do not see the need for men to be accounable or to take responsibility for their actions. This article needs to be seen by those outside of the organization as a example of the WTBTS

    view of women in America. I think it does a disservice to women everywhere.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Ferociously angry is abuse, too. Emotional abuse can be even worse than physical assault.

    Blondie posted about these western European countries having higher standards than the US. Actually, I don't think it is legal in the US to beat a spouse. Prosecutors can't charge such rampant abuse in every case. I wonder what social factors allows them to have a more sensible policy than the US.

    Does anyone know how this was translated in HIndi or an Asian language? That would be revealing.

  • Borges

    "Fuchsteufelswild" can mean a lot of things, but generally you don't use ist to discribe violent behavior (because it has such a wide range of meanings). It's more like getting absolutley mad. (For example when your wife finds pornmagazines in your desk.)

    The word is composed of three expressions: Fox, Devil and wild. As far as I know, it goes back to the days, when people thought wild foxes (when they had rabies for example) were possesed by the devil.

    I don't understand, why they didn't translate it correctly and simple with "schlagen" wich means "to hit". This can't be because of legal matters. It´s just a story, that's been told. Nobody here in Germany would care about.

    Maybe the translators just wanted to add a little bit of their own bullshit to what was already steaming on their desks.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Was the article in German published on the same date as the one in English? If the English version was released earlier then it could have served as a Trial Baloon of sorts. Negative reaction by the english audience could have swayed headquarters into altering their orders to the German translators.


  • therevealer

    I totally agree with all that this paragraph includes or discusses material that can and should be construed as spousal misconduct if not abuse. But I also think and this is just my opinion, that this is as much to do with the poor writing ability in todays magazines. Look carefully at the scripture that the writer references and if anyone can see anything in it that makes sense to the paragraph I would love to hear the explanation. "Selma" says ‘Steve never does any of these loving things for me.' Most of us would look to a scripture that showed some kind of affection to make Selma feel special. But that scripture does not mention any such loving thing. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) 4 Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, 5 does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. 6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Can you imagine any writer using that info to try to convey a reason for Selma to feel neglected perhaps.

    Again this is just me and my thoughts but I think it says as much about the poor writing and utterly debunks the notion that these old men (gb) read and make sure that everything published is good spirit approved food as they have claimed numerous times, in their hallowed watchtower.

  • Cirkeline

    Danish version says 'hit her'. In Denmark all kinds of violence towards any human, child, woman or a man, are a criminal act and should be reported to the police. If this is a true story 'Selma & Steve', then the WTBTS are lying about what really took place. Either he hit her or not. What is the truth? So, he did hit her according to english and danish and french version, but not in german and spanish.... creepy WTBTS style.

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