Alteration in the German Watchtower about spousal physical abuse

by slimboyfat 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • therevealer

    This is precious. This thread has "Ads by Google" creating a link to "Child Services" and the link takes you to a page of other links of similar nature. So apparently Google is a slight bit smarter than the gb in detecting abusive language.

  • Bobcat

    I think that the differences between languages are not all that significant. What is more significant is the conversation between "Selma" (name has been changed) and "the sister" who is "the Witness that studied with her."

    Compare the counsel this "Sisiter" gave with the counsel the Society gives elders in par.21 of the recent BOE letter on legalities. What the par. in the WT says is legally safe for the Society since they are only reporting a supposed conversation. They want readers to get the point without the Society actually making the point.

    Par.21 in the legal BOE letter has a wording that is ___________ . There is a word for this but I can't think what it is right now. Its like trying to make a point by going in the back door. You leave yourself free of actually having said what you want others to do. It fits the Society's MO in other ways were they want you to be willing to suffer, but they are above that. Matthew 23:4 has the idea I'm thinking of.

    Here is that par.21 from the BOE letter: "In addition, elders should immediately call the Legal Department for legal direction whenever they learn of an actual suicide, a threatened suicide, or an attempted suicide, since legally this is also defined as self-murder or felo-de-se. Whether a family member or close friend with knowledge of the suicide threat or suicide attempt reports it to authorities is a personal decision for him to make. (Gal. 6:5) Elders should not discourage anyone from reporting the matter. Family members who are aware of the suicide threat or attempt should be encouraged to take positive steps to prevent the person from harming himself."

    If "the Witness that studied with her" followed the counsel in the above paragraph, the experience (if actually true) would probably be quite different. Of course, the R & F aren't normally allowed to see such things.

    On the other hand, if a Sister tried to make some point with her "unbelieving" husband, and was slapped, this would be an assembly experience. But if the slapper was a believing husband, the sister would need to do like "Selma."

  • blindnomore

    Steve definitely hit Selma in Chiness or Korean or Japaness.

    I believe in two of these languages, omitted 'Neutrality' section from the 'Rasoning Book' in order to avoid being banned themsleves (the WTS) from these countries.

  • JWOP

    I just find it interesting that the Watchtower will teach one thing in some countries and an altered version of the teaching in others due to regional laws. If they really had the truth, shouldn't the truth be true no matter where?????

  • moshe
    However, under the new law, "human dignity" may well be replaced with childish arrogance.

    The arrogant GB members must have been overindulged as kids and didn't get punished by adults for their wild exaggerations.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I brought this up yesterday regarding the different translations. The wall went up. After I made my point I did say that "I hadn"t even taken into account the God connection in these magazines. I suppose God hates JW's in the US because they are allowed to beat their wives."

  • slimboyfat

    I didn't realise this had already been discussed.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Do they remain Selma and Steve or do they take on national names?

  • blindnomore

    In my lauguage, it exposed criminal(who faled to show complete love and endurance) Selma's identity by posting her English name'Selma' but concealed innocent victim Steve's identity by simply mentioning him as 'husband'

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Here's where the crazy old guys in NY fall on their face. They still haven't figured out how small the world has become

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