Thanks for the great replies ! Lots to think about isn't there ? Just to clarify- I haven't lost any JW relatives in death, but like some of you stated I may be facing that in the next 5 - 10 years as both my JW parents are in their mid 80's.
DESIGNS- Wow. That's totally messed up what you went through. Jeez. Here you were trying to show consideration for the JW lady who lost her non-Witness husband and you get climbed all over for it by self righteous fellow elders ! The old expression " no good deed goes unpunished " certainly applies here ! I admire your courage though !
BROKEN PROMISES- I like your opinion and view to keep in mind that attending the funeral is attending to family business in supporting your relatives in showing emotional support without getting caught up in all the JW rhetoric and fiasco. Good view to have I feel. It takes some of the electrified emotion out of it. I'll have to remember that when I'm faced with this situation. I feel you handled it well. Then having a private remembrance of our own as you did- very good idea.
TOTALLY ADD- I'm so sorry you and your wife experienced such horridly abusive behavior by your JW mom. Very sad and sickening. I'm glad you moved away from that situation and have a happier life in your new location. I totally understand why you wouldn't go to her funeral. Some things cannot be undone. Hang in there friend.
PHIZZY- I hear what you're saying. It is so hard to tolerate the JW marketing session, er, funeral talk in the elders trying to put forth WT society information at funerals. As you said a quiet remembrance at a graveside would definitely be more preferable for some of us if not most of us. Dealing with JW's is so challenging.
GIORDANO- My view is kind of like yours in that if it was a close friend who was a JW ( of which I have probably only one or two left ) or if it was a JW relative I'd go to show my support , but other than that I wouldn't attend. I agree that JWs are totally out of touch with reality in these situations. I know I'll get much more support from my non-Witness or inactive JW relatives.
BILLY the EX=BETHELITE- I'm glad to hear that a lot of faders and inactive JW's were at your JW relative's funeral. It was a good " anti-Witness " essentially showing the hardline Witnesses that if you stop attending meetings you still are able to show sympathy and decent humane treatment to bereaved ones. I'm happy for you that it was not as nerve racking as you anticipated. I hope I can say as much when my parents pass away.
BLONDIE- I'm glad to hear you and your husband have made it clear that you won't tolerate unwanted guests at your funerals. I'm sorry to hear you and your husband were treated so harshly and disrespectively. I agree that family is much more than genetics for sure ! It's a good suggestion on your part to bring a supportive non-Witness friend with us if we go to a JW funeral. Indeed JW's won't show their true colors as much because they're all about outward appearances.
FINKELSTEIN- You bring out a very, very valid and good point I feel that whether to attend or not depends on " how much you thought of the person who died and what they meant to you in your life experience with them that matters most. "I totally agree. I have only 2 or 3 living JW friends ( non-family ) who I would attend their funeral right now. Some of my JW friends already died who I was close to over the years, not many non-family JW's I deal with if at all. Your point is well taken. I agree that wHICH JW's attend or not shouldn't influence us.
ABIBLESTUDENT- A very good point you make that at a time of grief saying something to get JW's to think may be a very good idea. People are very vulnerable and a bit more open and not on guard and as you say it may be a good time to get JW's to think by asking pointed questions as you mentioned. It's certainly a good tactic to consider. Thanks for mentioning it