I remember the day I took my dog, Oscar, to the vet and had his priviledges removed. He got over it in a couple of days.
Got my Privileges Removed today, any advice?
by mrbunyrabit 102 Replies latest watchtower bible
" I remember the day I took my dog, Oscar, to the vet and had his priviledges removed. He got over it in a couple of days."
haha, Advice noted
And thanx Blondie, will do. =)
Sadly you are at the sucky stage. It doesn't last forever but it does help you to clarify your next steps. If you find meetings irritating you may find that going cold turkey and just stopping is the way forward, however whilst you are in this limbo phase start connecting with people outside the organisation, get therapy if you need to vent and need an objective viewpoint. Re evaluate your goals and do research. That way you are prepared mentally for whatever they throw at you.
If you continue to feel as you do the meetings will become impossible to endure anyway.
bats in the belfry
I am sure the inner circle removed your privileges because you no longer lived up the biblical requirements as set forth in 1. Timothy 3:8-10.
Any other reason(s) given would just amount in failing to meet the company performance roster.
What's going to happen next can be very simple.
Use the brain you have to think. Thinking is not harmful and is really the best thing you can do right now. Take your time to think.
If you focus on being a good person and making the most of the "gift" of life, you will succeed. If some day a god/ess makes him/her/themselves known, and it's worthy of our worship, he will be happy with what you've done with his gift. If not, you still win.
So get busy building a life worth living.
Maybe they could adjust the mike stand for the speaker also
Yeah srsly, what was up with that? Why couldn't the speakers speak without someone literally running at full speed and adjusting the mike stand for them?
Silly, silly people with small lives, IMO.
finally awake
Now is the pefect time to stop attending meetings, and stop worrying about what they think of you. Sieze this opportunity to build a new, good life for yourself. I haven't been to a meeting since early November 2011, and I couldn't be happier!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
This sucks by the way...
Sounds like it blows, too. So I guess it kinda evens out. Keep making wonderful plans for the future and you'll be just fine.
"face palm"
Gran comes into my room.. So have you read your day text
have you studies yesterdays whatchtower?
Why not?!
Because the WTS talkes outa their asses
(Nottt particularly the best thing to say to a devout JW i found....... especialy one who answeres my questions by quoting WT literature "But we must obey the faithful and discreet slave!")
So... not the friendliest of 15 minutes i ever had....
"Just remember, your value as a person is not determined by those men." I couldn't agree more. Many problems on the elder body are because weinie elders don't have their own compass or a basic internal value of themselves; these men have to be appointed to be valued. I have a brother in law that has not been reappointed in four years after moving congregations because the hateful letter that followed. He is enslaved mentally to the current body trying to please them. If you want to get back in you have to do some major suck up and get an elder as a sponsor. Stand up for what you think is right. Take your leave and run with it. I have found more satisfaction in volunteering at the humane society a few hours a month than I ever did in field service.
Because the WTS talks outa their asses
No truer words, of all the good the WTS. may outwardly present there's a whole lot of corruption underneath supporting it.
Wish I could get the rest of my own family members to leave that are still in, the mental manipulation that
this publishing cult poses on to people is staggering at times.
All the best mrbunyrabit