"If you would act like a good JW, we wouldn't have to treat you like crap."
Got my Privileges Removed today, any advice?
by mrbunyrabit 102 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'm not a JW, but from what I've heard from my boyfriend, I agree with jgnat. The "privileges" seem kind of lame. Holding a microphone? At every church I've ever attended, if you want to volunteer for something, you can do it! And they are fun and sometimes pretty meaningful things. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone being disallowed any sort of "job" within the church unless they did something really bad. There was this really annoying guy no one liked at one of my churches, and he still got to do whatever, even though he was a human repellent. It's welcoming to all creepers! (Don't worry, he wasn't a dangerous creeper; just someone who probably still lived in his mom's basement.)
But if you aren't into it anymore, you should feel some relief. You can start going less and spending your time doing more meaningful things. I'm sure you'll appreciate the breathing room.
No more wasting your time at assistant hounders' meetings. No more being the slaves of the hounders. No more having to set the example for the congregation. Now might be a good time to begin a fade, hopefully leading right out of the cancer.
I haven't read everything. I'm going to pretty much tell it like it is. The witnesses stroke one's ego with these so called privilges. The ego grows and wants to prove that I'm so good at x y z so that one day I can be a bigger ego/elder. Now that you have been removed, your ego has been dealt a bit of a blow too.
If you have all these doubts, start doing research. Start looking into various topics and start thinking again. Don't believe everything you told.
Before I got disfellowhipped I told the elders this: ""I have a brain. I am meant to use it. You, the faith, the congregation, the GB TELL me what I have to believie. When or if I question I am told not too. I am tired of getting regurgitated food served on a pretty silver platter and told that it is a nutritious meal"" I was disfellowshipped a couple of weeks later. Since I had grown up in the faith, all my friends, romantic interests where in that faith - it is MORE THAN WORTH IT TO GIVE THEM ALL UP.
Now that you have been removed, your ego has been dealt a bit of a blow too.
Too bad it was complacent corruption that embellished and nourished that ego.
Nows he's probably debating over which will win, will it be his intellect and personal integrity or to infuse himself back into
the power and corruption of a pretentious religious cult.
Actually Billy said it right !
Actually, they want to control you. Humiliate you into submission. Enslave you to the Watchtower Corporation mindset.
Being deleted is supposed to make you feel bad and it is supposed to bring you back in line and silence you from asking questions. It is a way of demeaning you so that if you continue to ask questions you have already been labelled as weak. What I would say to them is that you appreciate that they have to make tough decisions but you are surprised that you have not received any support and assistance or that anyone has tried to answer your queries. It seems that as elders they have been lax in their shepherding preferring to punish.
However you do not need to have a title to be a good person especially when that title is used as a stick to beat you with. The title is not about privilege it is about control they rely on you wanting to hold onto it at any cost.
If you have doubts then being outside the command structure is beneficial it gives you space to explore your concerns and find out what you believe. This is an opportunity rather than a set back. It is important that you do this before you try to have a relationship with someone else. Love is conditional on belief and you would set yourself up for a world of heartache if you started dating a JW girl and later decided that the religion was not right.
Good luck in your research.
I had loads of so called privileges when I was there,too many, that actually takes away from spending time with your family. It was all for show looking back on it to show 'how well am I doing, eh?'
Unless you have family there I'd advise you just to stop attending. If you have friends even a slow fade would end those friendships. All the best.
Witness 007
Go to the movies, a bar, a sports event....enjoy life, why would you wanna be a Watchtower robot? It's good to be free.